Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-17-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-17-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-17-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “A deputy denies the cancellation of the Kurdish delegation’s visit to Baghdad and confirms: A comprehensive agreement will be signed during the coming period” Quote: “…the agreement is still in place, and there are some observations from the federal government and the conditions and work is underway to reform them, stressing that in the end an understanding will be made and a comprehensive agreement signed during the coming period.” Interesting that they do talk about this today. So many things in motion that imo they had to! The agreement they have is still in effect. Thus, today is effective… Let that one simmer in the pot a few moments… They have a deal on the oil… imo.. That means they have an expectation of what is in the White Papers… Kahdimi and Allawi are holding close to their chest. Why? We all know why.. imo ~ RATE, comes to mind imo…

8-17-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …some of the delegation has already parted ways heading over to Washington ahead of Al-Kazemi’s visit…some people are saying that this visit is going to be the reset of the IQD. Careful with those types of things…It would be nice if they obviously did the rate change but there’s no evidence out there that this is gonna happen. Not that I can find…what I think would be a huge step towards accomplishing our goal is once Al-Kazemi is there we get the Iraqi sovereignty reinstated. Just having it reinstated of course then they’re gonna have to remove the restrictions off the currency. In order for you to be a sovereign nation you have to have an international currency…

8-17-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …so much is happening right now… This should be a big week. We have the Iraqi delegation arriving tomorrow for meetings on the 20th. [Most resets happen in October.] I am looking for one sooner than that. I think they may be stalling until later in this week or early next week. Just my guess because of what little happened in the banking world last weekend…everything is in place…..we just need somebody to pull the dang trigger.

8-16-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …Looks like we are back on the right track especially with Al-Kazemi coming here for the first time in about a week. I’m expecting some decent news. We really do want Iraq to have their sovereignty reinstated. We really want the restrictions removed off the currency and when this happens they most likely could put together an actual budget. One has not been passed but it could be because it’s kind of hard to put a budget together if you’re not sure about the value of your currency. So let’s keep our fingers crossed that we hear some good news…I want to hear the thumbs up from the United Nations…before Al-Kazemi gets here. That’s what we are watching for…

8-16-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Representative economy: activating the law of partnership with the private sector and investment soon” Quote: “…the committee is in the process of activating the partnership law with the private sector and the investment law in the near future, as well as activating the mineral investment law…the amended Iraqi investment law is one of the best laws in the region…” They are telling us they have activation and revitalization on the mind. They need investors to help activation of industry, agriculture, minerals, etc… For them to activate and to revitalize, they need a new international exchange rate. …they tell us the laws will be the best in the region. That is important to the investors!! Very important!!… Good stuff…

8-16-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …A lot of people are skeptical about what I just said [Posts over last few days] and I teach this stuff. This is what I do. This last course I gave here in Phoenix people are like ‘okay, that doesn’t sound…[Like what we’re seeing on TV]’…I tell everyone I couldn’t be happier. I could not be happier. It’s completely opposite out there. “We’re watching riots…” That’s because they’re at their death throes. It’s because it’s almost over and they know it. …we could not be in a better position. So don’t worry about that. With Iraqi dinar we could not be in a better position. The question is are you prepared financially and how you’re set up. That’s all you have to worry about…

8-16-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “During a contact with Barzani…Al-Kazemi decides to send 320 billion dinars to Erbil”. …this is big. For just a second there…it was bad. Then yesterday it was good …Baghdad is saying that Kurdistan is stealing the money and not paying their employees. Kurdistan is pointing a finger at Baghdad going they’re not giving us our money. I knew there was a good relationship between Barzani and Al-Kazemi. So I was like gosh this doesn’t look right. Something’s wrong…Leave it our boy Al-Kazemi to come through…Barzani got a call from Al-Kazemi himself…Baghdad has agreed to pay 320 billion in IQD monthly…this is what we want to see…I’m glad calmer heads did prevail and this seems to be ironed out…this is a major step towards what we’re looking for. A major major step. Let’s hope it continues…

8-16-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Iraqi parliament: the finance minister does not cooperate” Quote: “The government works as it has all legislative powers, and is not interested of no having the general budget.”He added that “the Minister of Finance is not cooperative and does not care about Parliament and the Parliamentary Finance Committee.” …Allawi has the data they want… He may have a reason to not, yet. A very good reason… I suspect before, Kahdimi gets to the USA there will be an adjustment made and he will then bring business to America and will have sovereignty in tow…The minister of Finance has our back, as he holds the cards… I bet they are all aces too. lol imo.