Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-26-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-26-2020
4-26-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …they’re not in the position where they’re doomed or anything like that. If they do this correctly – add value to their currency, get in the markets and then float the value of their currency based on market needs from a global perspective. That’s exactly the conversation they’re having – The Ministry of Finance, The Ministry of Planning and the CBI. That’s very very good news for us. But the question is, ‘Is this a one shot opportunity?’ No, it’s not a one shot opportunity. There are a couple moves they can make. Are they desperate and need to add value now? Absolutely. But let’s say they don’t…It’s so undervalued there are a couple things they can do. What I mean by a couple things they can do is – what rate they come out at and what time frame they can get to $1.17..
4-26-2020 Intel Guru BobTheTaxMan …we see an immense amount of pressure coming on Iraq to force them to have to do something…to be able to repay their debt by the revaluation of this particular currency they’ve got…
4-25-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni The CBI like all central banks are the official source for the exchange rate. There is no change and I don’t expect one. It is utterly ridiculous to think the CBI could raise the value that high [1 to 1] with 42 + trillion in circulation.
4-25-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …It’s almost time. As a matter of fact how far are we away? 23 hours 12 minutes and a few sections away from the magical day tomorrow. Could this be the day of the rate change? Because tomorrow the ISX opens. That’s right. It’s closed now but by this time tomorrow it will be open and we will see if the rate change did indeed happen…
4-25-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan [It will be interesting to see when/if they open Sunday if the comma was to be a comma or a period…] …Personally, I don’t think it was a mistake. I think they were ready to RI, but, then realized they were not ready just yet, hence the adjustment back to normal…
4-25-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …the CBI has one goal and one goal only – that’s to manage the currency…they fully confirmed they want to get it [the dinar] to a buck-17 ($1.17)…I got nothing but great news. These guys are still talking about it more than ever. They need to get the dinar up to about $1.17. Don’t know what the entry level is. They actually want to add value to it and then float it up. Whatever value they start at – 20 cents, 30 cents 40 cents doesn’t matter. Then they’ll float it up…
4-25-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …It’s hard to get a rate on the dong but it will be trailing the dinar but not by a whole lot – it won’t be on par but I think it will be within $.50 and $1.00 of the dinar – that will be great..