Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-25-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-25-2020
4-25-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …if the rate change happened in February and we’re now at the end of April don’t you think we’d heard about it? And if this [Iraq Stock Exchange Index reporting 1000% Increase] is some kind of sign of a rate change, dude, don’t you think people around the world would be buying every dinar on the market? Because this would be telling them ahead of time. Somebody’s head would roll. People would be going to jail. This kind of boo-boo would not be made. The number is consistent with these other numbers [484.79] except for it by accident somebody put a comma [462,830] here instead of a period. That’s all that is…
4-25-2020 Newshound Guru chattels Article quote: “…Iraqi Shiite political blocs have rejected all the names on Iraqi Prime Minister designate Mustafa al-Kadhimi’s proposed cabinet list, according to a senior member of al-Hikma Shiite political coalition.” Mustafa al-Kadhimi’s proposed cabinet list has been rejected…
4-24-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I think we’re in a really good place…remember that we said Iraq reinstated the Dinar last Saturday – now – they also revalued the Dinar…Wednesday – so the re-evaluation of the Iraqi dinar became official yesterday – with a “new rate”…they’ve had it on the website – cbi.q I think and what happened was – they were kinda getting hits on it but…they did not want it to get hacked…so they took it down themselves…They really don’t want it to be seen by the world yet because Sunday is when Iraq’s first day of business begins in the middle east – it’s like our Monday – they will open the ISX stock exchange also and the IQD rate will be visible and tradeable through the ISX – starting Sunday – We will actually have the new Dinar rate on our bank websites on Monday morning…I am about as excited as I can be and thrilled because I know what’s going on is real and confirmed and I know that we are that close…
4-24-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …surely with all the oil revenues, CBI reserves and what economy they do have, the currency is worthy of a higher value even now. No one can argue this point. But they can not raise the value until they also can conduct the project to delete the zeros, reinstate the currency and get out of monetary sanctions on the dinar. …As investors we must realize that these events must be coordinated and work simultaneously to get us to the banks to exchange our dinar. This is the bottom line for us.
4-24-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Article: “The Iraqi Stock Exchange announces the resumption of trading next Sunday 22nd April, 2020″ … the Iraqi Stock Exchange had a short pause, but they are obviously back at it. Neither Ramadan nor ‘Rona is stopping this train! …This is nothing short of incredible, that the price of OIL can drop to negative and the world basically shuts down, yet the IQD Train keeps on chugging…
4-24-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni The last two days has been interesting since members of the Parliamentary Finance Committee have come out and stressed the need to diversify the economy as a result of low oil prices. Maybe this is the kick in the butt they need.
4-24-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …The lull in the demonstrations over the COVID 19 virus is about to end and they know it. Now it the time to get the matters of forming the new government settled and moving ahead. The price of oil surely does not do any good in this process and only adds to the crisis. …So, now I want to add that all is not lost for us investors in the Iraqi dinar. Things may look very gloomy and certainly they are… But we know from the past too that if certain elements (namely oil revenues, economic independence and political stability) can be achieved this country can very quickly rebound and in a matter of short time turn all this around..
4-24-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …it looks like there’s a green light for our boy Al-Kazemi. It looks like it’s going to happen. We know that this next Tuesday they’re going to vote on whether or not Kazemi will be the PM and if they will pass his cabinet. I told you they’re most likely gonna do this and why is that? …we know if they don’t pass Al-Kazemi this time the president of Iraq constitutionally has a right to dissolve the parliament. That takes away any power that Iran had as far as the influence over Iraq. They don’t want that to happen. They’re not going to allow the parliament to be dissolved…
4-24-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Today’s news from Iraq sources …from my guys on the ground, I am being told that lower denominations hit early yesterday and that they are forbidding any purchases with the US dollar. Forcing them to exchange… This is exciting. As to what is an expected time I am hearing anytime from Sunday to Wednesday is what they are hoping for. We have been here before so we are going to cross our fingers and hope this is dead on. They are definitely positioning for it. I am trying to get them to send me digital pictures of them smuggled out…