The judiciary: The President of the Republic has absolutely no right to appoint a candidate without the approval of the bloc that nominated him
The judiciary: The President of the Republic has absolutely no right to appoint a candidate without the approval of the bloc that nominated him
03/18/2020 14:51:19
{Baghdad: Al Furat News} The head of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Faeq Zaidan, said that “the right to assign {the candidate} without the approval of the bloc that nominated him is not transferred to the President of the Republic at all because this interpretation is wrong, especially since it was issued by the {Federal} court, which lacks a quorum in law.”
Zaidan mentioned in the {viewpoint} published by the Supreme Judicial Council’s website that “Article 76, paragraph (first) of the constitution establishes a ruling text entitled {Candidate} the largest number of parliamentary bloc” which we consider to be the winning bloc in the elections and not the one that is formed according to the opinion of the Federal Court Whom we do not agree with regarding the interpretation of the concept of the largest number of parliamentary bloc} “.
And that “the word” candidate “means that a party has nominated it and the paragraph {first} above has specified the authority responsible for the nomination which is {the largest number of parliamentary blocs}. As for what is mentioned in paragraphs {third} and {fifth}, it means a new {candidate} from the bloc stipulated In paragraph {First}, which is the largest number of parliamentary blocs, with evidence for the repeated mention of the word {candidate} in paragraphs {Third} and {Fifth}, meaning that the person in charge of the President of the Republic must {nominate him}, or does it make sense to {assign} the President of the Republic {candidate} From before him ?! “.
“If the constitutional legislator had intended this, he would have chosen a word or other term without the word {nominee}, so repeat the word {he assigns} the president of the republic and repeat the word {candidate} in paragraphs {first}, {third} and {fifth} of Article 76 Its clear meaning is that the president of the republic has the duty of {assigning only} to the candidate by the bloc stipulated in paragraph {first} whose concept extends to paragraphs {third} and {fifth}.