Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-23-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-23-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions2-23-2020 Newshound Guru chattels Article: “Parliament’s session to give confidence to Allawi’s government will be held next Wednesday” Monday’s emergency session for the presentation of Allawi’s government is not [now?] rumored to be Wednesday.

2-23-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru David M. Witty Iraqi source says political blocs are placing stipulations on new PM designee Mohammed Allawi for formation of government: 1) foreign forces must leave, 2) US access restricted, 3) ministry positions for political blocs, 4) displaced persons returned. Iraqi Parliament to vote on giving confidence to PM nominee Mohammed Allawi on Wednesday.

2-22-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …What this is is a reinstatement. The phrase “RV”, that phrase “revaluation”, all that was fabricated from this investment. That phrase never existed. “Rate change” existed but not “revaluation”. This is a reinstatement. That means they have to bring back a former rate. I’ve studied the value of Iraq’s rate through the last 100 years. The low side was about $2.80 and the high side was about $4.20. The point is they’ve never had a $1.00 rate to reinstate… Iraq ‘s currency devalued at $3.22 in about 2004…

2-22-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …nothing has happened politically in the last few months as of yet the new prime minister hasn’t even been sworn in and his cabinet has not been voted on. In fact it has been scheduled for Monday but there are rumors that they won’t even vote Monday, that many are now making a decision to not endorse the new prime minister and his cabinet. New protests are even anticipated.

2-22-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …this coming Monday…if we have a cabinet seated well then… 30 days later (which I think would be less) I really think that a new rate will be presented to the Prime Minister and his cabinet.

2-22-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …we know Dr. Shabibi had a problem with the IMF’s monetary policies because he felt like it was hurting Iraq. The policies causing the inflation to go low but it was not allowing for a lot of growth in Iraq economically. So he was not a fan of that. He’s the one who suggested that we have a sweet spot. And there’s a sweet spot of about $1.34. $1.34 is just high enough that inflation would stay low. It’s also just low enough that outside investors would still feel tempted to come in and invest in the country. That’s what we want to see…

2-22-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …Everything is pointing and circling around the rate change including the approval process of their 2020 budget. Facts are confirming the last step we’re waiting on is the rate change. Everything in Iraq has been put on standby including the approval process of the but budget. It’s all waiting on the rate change…Iraq is literally walking in Kuwait’s footsteps time frame wise. Kuwait changed their rate on March 24th of 1991…

2-22-2020 Newshound Guru Chattels Article: “The Presidency of the Council of Representatives confirmed that an extraordinary session will be held next Monday to vote on the booth of Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi.” Quote: “The House of Representatives is obliged to hold an extraordinary session next Monday to give confidence to the next government, according to the invitation of the resigned Prime Minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi,”