Parliament calls on the government to cancel the US military presence in Iraq and adjourn its session for the next Saturday [extended]

Parliament calls on the government to cancel the US military presence in Iraq and adjourn its session for the next Saturday [extended]

1/5 2020 18:46

Parliament calls on the government to cancel the US military presence in Iraq and adjourn its session for the next Saturday[In an enumerator-in]
The House of Representatives lifted its session, on Sunday, to next Saturday, January 11, 2020, after it voted in its extraordinary session, which was held under the chairmanship of Muhammad al-Halbousi, Speaker of the Council and in the presence of 172 deputies, during which he hosted the Speaker The “resigned” ministers, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, on a parliamentary decision obliging the government to end the presence of foreign forces in Iraq.

The following are the details of the session, as received from the media circle, today, (January 5, 2020): –

“At the beginning of the session, Al-Halbousi, on behalf of the House of Representatives, offered his condolences for the martyrdom of the liberation hero Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis in the last incident that Iraq was exposed to.

Representatives read Surat Al-Fatihah in memory of the spirit of the deceased Iraq and all the martyrs.

then welcomed Mohammed Halbusi chairman of the House of Representatives in the presence of Adel Abdul Mahdi , Prime Minister and to the special meeting. This

was followed by Prime Minister and his letter to the House of Representatives and included condolences to the martyrs who bring them home , and his sons , and the last of a group of martyrs who have fallen during the past few days after counting The sin they suffered, as well as a review of the events and their escalation in light of the tension between the United States and Iran after the American abandonment of the nuclear agreement and the repercussions of that on Iraq and its events during the last period, indicating that the presence of the American forces and therefore the coalition forces returns to two letters from the Iraqi Foreign Ministry To the UN Security Council, the mission of the forces was determined to fight ISIS, train Iraqi forces, and provide technical assistance, and there is no other legal basis after Iraq and the United States agreed to schedule the withdrawal of its forces, and accomplished this in December 2011.

Abdul Mahdi provided an overview of the messages Submitted by Messrs. Hoshyar Zebari, former Minister of Foreign Affairs on June 25, 2014 and Ibrahim Jaafari, former Minister of Foreign Affairs on September 20, 2014 that the Permanent Representative of Iraq brought to the United Nations regarding the difficult conditions in which Iraq is going through and requested urgent assistance to defeat ISIS in accordance with bilateral or multilateral agreements and full respect For national sovereignty and the constitution agreed by the Iraqi government to strike ISIS positions and its military incubators, which would end the ongoing threats to Iraq and protect citizens.

In his message, the Prime Minister indicated that it was possible for the Ministerial Council for National Security that held its meeting on 3/1/2019 to take a decision that the government deems to be in the interest of Iraq without referring to the House of Representatives, realizing that the legal basis for the presence of foreign forces was established by the two letters referred to and issued by the Iraqi government, which They were signed by the Foreign Ministers and were not issued by a decision of the House of Representatives, noting that the government is keen on crystallizing and adopting a clear and sustainable national position based on a broad base towards the strategic file, which imposes a study of options and the consequences of each before making the decision that carries the interest of the country. It protects its sovereignty and prevents violating its security, interfering in its affairs or threatening its national fabric.

Abdul-Mahdi presented two options before the House of Representatives, the first is to end the presence of the forces with urgent procedures and to make arrangements for that. The second option includes returning to a draft resolution that was before the House of Representatives before the formation of the current government, providing a number of facts regarding the relationship between Iraq and the United States, especially the repercussions of what happened last Friday. The assassination of the two martyrs, Abu Mahdi, the engineer, and the team Qassem Soleimani, and their Iraqi and Iranian comrades, which represents a political assassination, has sparked legal debate, even in the United States, so how can Iraq accept it and consider it an act that serves it.

The Prime Minister recommended adopting the first option, despite some internal and external difficulties that Iraq might face, as it is the best in principle and in practice to reorganize healthy relations with the United States and the rest of the countries that establish a solid fundamentalist friendship based on respect for sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs and the promotion of common interests, calling for resolving a file Forming the next government that exceeds its constitutional term and ending the state of managing everyday matters.

Representative Nabil Al-Tarfi, head of the Alliance Movement, followed a message from Muqtada Al-Sadr, leader of the Sadrist movement, to the House of Representatives, demanding that the security agreement be canceled immediately, not abide by its unfair and humiliating clauses, immediately closing the US embassy in Iraq, closing US bases, expelling them in a humiliating manner, criminalizing communication with the American government, punishing it, and supporting the army Iraqi resistance, disciplined national and protection of other embassies in Iraq and the boycott of American products, calling on the Iraqi resistance factions and factions outside Iraq for an immediate meeting to announce the formation of international resistance regiments even if the parliament did not So , we have the biggest act.

The Council voted unanimously on a parliamentary decision that includes obliging the Iraqi government to cancel the request for assistance submitted by it to the international coalition to fight ISIS, to end military and war operations in Iraq and achieve victory and liberation and the commitment of the Iraqi government to end the presence of any foreign forces in Iraqi territory and prevent it from using Iraqi lands, water and air for any Reason, as the Iraqi government is committed to confining arms to the state.

The decision included the Iraqi government represented by the Foreign Minister urgently going to the United Nations and the International Security Council and filing a complaint against the United States of America for its violations of serious violations and violations of the sovereignty and security of Iraq, and the Iraqi government to conduct investigations at the highest levels to know the causes of the American bombing and inform the House of Representatives of the results within seven Days from the date of this decision, which is implemented from the date of voting on it, in addition to the possibility of proceeding with legislation to cancel the Strategic Framework Agreement between Iraq and the United States of America.

Then it was decided to adjourn the session to next Saturday, January 11, 2020. ”