Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-18-19
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-18-19
12-18-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So recently…I contacted my CBI source again and asked some important questions. One of the questions was, of course, are they moving ahead again on the “project to delete the zeros”. To my surprise and amazement, I was told “affirmative” and that they now have support to move more aggressively and quicker. Trust me in the midst of all this chaos I was really surprised to hear this wonderful news. This was WOW! news to my ears. I was told the timeframe matched from now until it is done but probably more like in 2019 than in 2020.
12-18-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The timing really depends on a few factors meaning: 1) the passing of the new election law (and review by the US and IMF); 2) who is selected for the new prime minister; 3)the US is also working out a deal with Iran on getting them the hell out of Iraq or else….(military force is an option). So, these three main issues are at a balance and I was told to watch the progress of all three of them closely…WOW! Folks the news could not get any better. Just hang on to your seats, this is going to happen soon.
12-17-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Until the new Prime Minister is chosen and subsequent cabinet, parliament also seems to use this an an opportunity to do nothing. Nothing is going to happen regarding economic reforms. This setback could cause 6 months or long delays in launching the public/private partnership budget for 2020.
12-17-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [How long will they give us to exchange once we can make appointments?] I have heard they expect 95% of redemptions done in the first 10 days…but I am told they will give up to 30 days for everyone to get done. I do not think anyone will wait for the last minute…
12-17-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat WOW! Things are moving very fast with the pressure from the demonstrators. …Can Iraq expel Iran with the help of the US? Tehran has offered to exit from Iraq in exchange for lifting the blockade and abandoning the overthrow of the regime. …So they admit to trying to overthrow the Iraq government. Next will they actually withdraw and the US accept the terms? This could be HUGE, HUGE and HUGE!
12-17-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] A lot of good things out there today. A lot of articles…The rumor is Trump took himself out of it so that the RV can move forward regardless of the stuff affecting him… If the rumor is indeed true It’s a good thing…but again I can not prove it one way of another. We are so stinkin close guys….it’s just painful…you can see it in the news, we see it in the Central Banks…there is definently a lot of chatter from the banking area…I am hearing this is our week…everything is in place…that we should see this no later than Thursday…There are a lot of things pointing to it happening right about NOW.
12-17-2019 Intel Guru Delta Translation: “General Manager of the Financial Operation of the Central Bank of Iraq Interview” – the 25,000 Dinar is gonna become a 25 dinar but not how you think. It’s not a LOP…the goal behind that is to fix the accounting…basically the payment system…if you have a 25,000 dinar note you’re still going to get 25,000 dinar lower denominations…the CBI is confirming to everybody they are moving forward…when you lift the 3 zeros every 100 dollar is going to be 120 dinars. So that’s about 85 cents. The guy {Interviewer] asked does the CBI have the infrastructure ready for this process and this guy [General Manager] said yes everything is ready for this project to move forward…
12-17-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru David M. Witty Iraqi source: political blocs will agree on name of new PM by Thursday. Outgoing Iraqi PM Abdel-Mahdi tells President Salih Thursday is the last day of the caretaker government.