Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-8-19
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-8-19
12-8-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The currency auctions breed corruption and is one of the many sources of massive corruption of all this oil money and wealth of Iraq. Many skeptics still say that there is going to be a lop …this could not possibly be a lop and why this is the basis for us making millions if not billions off this as a long-term investment. …Don’t buy into this investment if you are wimp and can’t stand the pain of the constant stream of good news then bad news from the Central Bank of Iraq. Since my initial investment in the dinar in 2006 I have learned so much. I would not still be here if I did not have total faith that someday this currency will revalue by having the OFAC sanctions lifted.
12-8-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 …it occurred 9:30am EST today [yesterday]. The CBI website shutdown. Which was 5:30PM Baghdad time…the website is for communicating, teaching and describing everything the CBI is doing right now. What are they doing right now? A monetary reform of their currency. The thing I found interesting that occurred: It was a Saturday into a Sunday. They were shut down for a long time…7 hours…I had never seen it shut down for this long before…IMO the CBI is doing maintenance on their website…I believe they’re doing something in relationship to their monetary reform…what you saw today was not a mistake. It was so loud it screamed across all of our teams…we’re looking for anything new after the date that VP Mike Pence arrived in Iraq…
12-7-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “October 3, 2012 MIDEAST MONEY” …Is the Iraqi dinar legitimate currency of [or?] just exotic collectors item? We know from this article from 2012 that the dinar is in FACT a real currency and is being used inside Iraq as their currency right now. But in 2004, upon its inception, it was not meant to be a permanent currency. …there were many reasons for issuing it. Are these reasons now still legitimate reasons. NO! These reasons are no longer valid and these large 3 zero notes have outlived their usefulness. In fact they are long due to be replaced with normal denominations.
12-7-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff Article “Trump envoy visits Baghdad and Erbil” …as you know the Trump administration is in charge. The U.S. is the only group or entity that pours trillions of dollars into Iraq without writing loans…the only time the IMF or World Bank ever gave money to Iraq was in the form of a loan. In the past many gurus have come out and said that ‘oh the IMF or the World Bank gave the green light.’ Guess what? They’re not in charge. Trump is in charge of the timing. It’s that simple. That’s why recently Pence was there. Now there’s another Trump envoy there…
12-7-2019 Intel Guru Bruce Now, there has been some chatter out there online about 800 numbers or NO 800 numbers – I’m telling you I am getting direct from redemption centers – from banks – from people who are high, high up, saying “yes” I will get a toll free number to give you guys — and so will 2 other people in the community that I am aware of that will get these to put out…So I am going to say “yes” we are going to get them and “yes” they’re still valid and let’s just watch this whole thing unfold in that regard…
12-7-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “October 3, 2012 MIDEAST MONEY” Quote: “IN THE LONG TERM, THE CENTRAL BANK AIMS TO MAKE 1 DINAR EQUAL TO $1 with a combination of redenomination and appreciation, ALTHOUGH THAT WILL TAKE OVER THREE YEARS BECAUSE OF INSTABILITY in the Middle East” (please note date of article…is from 2012) I want everyone to know that I am not advising you to invest or not to invest in the Iraqi dinar. I am only presenting an article with my opinion based on what they are telling us from Iraq. It’s 2019 and the dinar is still NOT freely traded by banks outside IRAQ. It has been over 3 years already [more like 7 years] and still no RV. Is it time for this to happen. …I feel these demonstrations may be the key to forcing this change finally to happen. It is not a matter of having the value to support $1.00 or even $3.00. It is instead a matter of ending the corruption and getting the political will to just do it.
12-7-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 The CBI [representative Iraqi bank] came out and not only did they put it on their website but they put it out on social media…’the American dollar rate might change.’…all of this is coming together…