Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-7-19
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-7-19
12-7-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 The CBI [representative Iraqi bank] came out and not only did they put it on their website but they put it out on social media…’the American dollar rate might change.’…all of this is coming together…
12-7-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “October 3, 2012 MIDEAST MONEY” Quote: “IN THE LONG TERM, THE CENTRAL BANK AIMS TO MAKE 1 DINAR EQUAL TO $1 with a combination of redenomination and appreciation, ALTHOUGH THAT WILL TAKE OVER THREE YEARS BECAUSE OF INSTABILITY in the Middle East” (please note date of article…is from 2012) I want everyone to know that I am not advising you to invest or not to invest in the Iraqi dinar. I am only presenting an article with my opinion based on what they are telling us from Iraq. It’s 2019 and the dinar is still NOT freely traded by banks outside IRAQ. It has been over 3 years already [more like 7 years] and still no RV. Is it time for this to happen. …I feel these demonstrations may be the key to forcing this change finally to happen. It is not a matter of having the value to support $1.00 or even $3.00. It is instead a matter of ending the corruption and getting the political will to just do it.
12-7-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [We were once told to have separate appointments for each currency …is that still true or does it matter anymore?] I heard it doesn’t matter anymore…I hear they want you to do it all at once
12-6-2019 Intel Guru Delta …Bank in Iraq…they had a statement that was very interesting, “The U.S. dollar rates may change.” That was very strange…November 29 they started putting that small memo there…this is the first time I’ve seen something like that…this is huge…
12-6-2019 Intel Guru Michael Cottrell …this thing is about to drop. Yes, we are very close given the information and activities that have happened since I sent that package to President Trump. [Do you still see this as a GCR and everything going at the same time?] Yes I do…It’s common sense the way this is going to happen…without it all happening at once and it would be a mess.
12-6-2019 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …27 event triggers are all but complete…There’s one that we believe is left and that we believe is the release of the toll free numbers…we are the internet group…we’re the only ones who have “privately” negotiable rates…meaning we have some flexibility on the rates…and that is why our group tier 4B will be the last to go because they have new rates…that have populated on the screens tonight for us that are very, very strong to start whenever it is that we are to start…So…we have new rates that have shown up on the screens that are solid that are there – We have a new procedure that is in place for us with this finger printing – We have expectations to get this party started here pretty soon…
12-6-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …You may not hear anything about this in the news but they are about to payout on HCL money to the people. This will be a consistent stream of money to the people. This is mandated by the new Iraqi constitution. This is going to be interesting. The rate to be paid out to the people must be around 1:1 close to par with the US dollar. So will they change the rate also and complete the project to delete the zeros?
12-6-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I talked to 2 Iraqi contacts and they are expecting and very hopeful to see the new rates in tomorrows gazette. On the flip side of that, which may or may not be related…supposedly we are positioning 14,000 troops throughout Iraq and the middle east…because of Iran. Could this be a cover? The reason to have troops there for the roll out of the RV? I certainly hope so. We are all ready to have this done…
12-6-2019 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Diyala clans stage demonstrations in support of the peaceful center of Baquba” The calm on the streets has a great feel today. The recent actions of the suspension of loans is powerful. All loans and many contracts have to deal with payments. Think about it. Every car loan, house loan, private loan, commercial and even industrial loans have to be adjusted accordingly when a rate is expected to change…So, when they say all banks are involved that means they are ready now. Banks are closed in Baghdad long time ago now. They have said they were having a Parliament session tonight in regard to the budget… So, I feel good that this one killer window! imo.