Iraqi President pledges to hold early elections with a new law… and Abdul Mahdi stepped down conditionally

Iraqi President pledges to hold early elections with a new law… and Abdul Mahdi stepped down conditionally


Iraqi President pledges to hold early elections with a new law - and Abdul Mahdi stepped down conditionallyIraqi President Barham Saleh pledged to hold early elections once a new election law is now being worked on in the presidency, as revealed in a speech, yesterday (Thursday), the intention «Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi to resign to the political blocs provided an alternative, With the commitment to the constitutional and legal contexts and to prevent a constitutional vacuum ».
Saleh said that «the need for urgent reforms in Iraq», noting that «the need is now urgent for a comprehensive national dialogue is being prepared», as Saleh pointed out that the presidency is working on the legislation of a new election law, and early elections once the election law is passed new.
He said: «I will agree to hold early elections and the adoption of a new election law, and we will replace the current election commission, a new one». “The status quo is unsustainable,” he said, demanding tens of thousands of people in Baghdad calling for an end to the current system of sectarian power-sharing. Saleh pointed out that «the demands of the people put us to the test», calling for the need for parliament to meet the demands of legitimate demonstrators and disadvantaged sectors.
The Iraqi president said: «The government is required to be a government of the people, and must be held accountable criminals involved in violence. “The state must monopolize weapons to prevent any fighting between armed groups.” He said that the youth is the hope of Iraq «I am biased to you with my feelings, and with you in your demonstrations and legitimate demands».
“We expect next week to introduce a new electoral law that will allow fairer elections, protect voters, prevent fraud and set up a new commission that is far from dominating, and we are working on reform measures that serve the best interest of Iraq.”
Saleh said that «the solution to the crisis of demonstrations is not security», calling for the start of referring the files of major corruption to the judiciary.
Saleh’s speech comes at a time when the Iraqi parliament failed to hold a session, on Thursday, because of the absence of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, despite the direct invitation to him by the Presidency of Parliament.
The speaker of the Iraqi parliament, Mohammed al-Halbousi said that «parliament will not hold a meeting unless the prime minister is present», stressing at the same time that «parliament will initiate constitutional procedures», without specifying the nature of these mechanisms, which may include the dismissal of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi.
To that, an Iraqi politician who asked not to be named in a statement to «Middle East» that «President’s speech reflects the existence of a severe political crisis within the political class, especially as it came after crucial meetings between leaders and leaders of political blocs throughout the past two days in the Peace Palace ». He added that «Saleh proceeded from the constants dictated by the Constitution, which includes the road map on the law of elections and early elections and national dialogue, while the issue of the dismissal of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi or not within the parliament, especially between the two major blocs (Sairon) supported by the Shiite leader , Muqtada al-Sadr, and (conquest), led by Hadi al-Amiri ».
He pointed out that «it is clear that there is no consensus between Sadr and Amiri to dismiss Abdul Mahdi, who asked them to agree to identify the alternative in order to submit his resignation».
He predicted the independent politician «increase the momentum of the demonstrations, although there is a final bet on what can be issued during the Friday sermon from Karbala».
In this context, the victory coalition led by former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, the importance of forming an interim government until early elections. The leader of the victory coalition, MP Adnan al-Zarfi, in a press conference, held in parliament in the presence of deputies of the coalition: «Our country is currently in a real crisis, and must be rescued as soon as possible and follow the demands of demonstrators and respond to them and hold the killers accountable; Country because the survival of the current government dismantles the state, and drops more prestige ».
He said Zarfi: «We are continuing to question Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi towards the withdrawal of confidence from his government, we have made a request three weeks ago, but the House of Representatives has not yet responded». He continued: «We are with the formation of an interim government to run the affairs of the country, until the elections, and the formation of an independent election commission, and the participation of public opinion to change the electoral system». He called Zarfi to «leave revenge and hatred and settle accounts aside to preserve our people and achieve the demands».
The meeting of the Iraqi parliament, yesterday (Thursday), witnessed an escalation of chants calling for the arrival of Abdul-Mahdi to the meeting, while the speaker of the parliament, Mohammed Halbousi, adjourned until the presence of Abdul-Mahdi to host. Al-Halbousi said in a statement that «the constitutional texts say that the meeting of the House of Representatives will be held if the presence of Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, and if he did not attend the hosting, will proceed with the necessary constitutional procedures».
The Iraqi parliament has agreed to transfer its sessions live on the air, and through major screens in Tahrir Square where the demonstrations, a condition set by Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, to attend the meeting, although he did not attend Abdul Mahdi, and erupted during the session sharp political differences between the various political blocs , Especially the Shiite blocs, about dismissing the prime minister.