Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-4-19
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-4-19
10-4-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat “IRAQ: DEMONSTRATIONS OVER UNEMPLOYMENT, CORRUPTION AND POOR PUBLIC SERVICES.” …they were demanding currency reform. …The protestors actually do have this on their list of demands. This is all VERY good for us and our investment. A government like the GOI can’t keep making these promises to the people and then do nothing. Eventually the people will rise up and do something to get what was promised…is the GOI going to meet the demands? We know one of them is the currency reform. The demonstrators gave them 15 days to meet the demands.
10-4-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …What is the rate change waiting on? What steps does the rate change need for the rate change to occur? …(Things shared with you are not set in stone)…they still have to get the money ready to go and the money has to be allocated and be ready to be dispersed. Those steps have to come from a budget…the 2020 budget is linked to the rate change big time. It’s got a lot of financial allocations and monies…items that pertain strongly to the rate change. So they have to complete the budget before the rate can change. It’s that simple…that’s the reason I’ve been telling you that the rate cannot change this year. It’s because they have to finish and approve and complete the 2020 budget which will roll into next year.
10-3-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni I am very confident with all of the economic activities going on in Iraq that they certainly will launch a market economy and receive private investment to rebuild the infrastructure next year. They must open the banking system for that to succeed and float the currency.
10-3-2019 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf …The CBI has an IQD denominated liability in respect of the currency that has been issued. This liability is underpinned by assets but the bulk of the assets are foreign currency denominated. If the IQD were to rise in value the liability would increase but the asset value would remain the same. There is only about 8% equity in the CBI accounts so it would not take much of a rise in the value of the IQD for the CBI to be bankrupt.
10-3-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 I think Alaq is going to say a lot tomorrow…They moved 12 trucks, gigantic armored trucks out of the green zone. They were escorted by Blackwater and whoever else…they escorted these 12 armored trucks and Alaq went on television and he told the citizens, ‘we are moving these 12 armored vehicles to undisclosed destination.’ He told the people the trucks were loaded with funds. There’s no doubt these are the lower denoms because the day before he told them, ‘I’m going to give you the lower denoms.’ And now he’s telling them, ‘look I’m moving them.’ But he’s not telling them what funds they are…it’s possible they are either going to show them tomorrow the pictures of the lower denoms or Saturday…I really think this week they are going to show it to them…
10-3-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “THE NEW SESSION OF THE BAGHDAD INTERNATIONAL FAIR WILL WITNESS A MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH FOR THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR” …the more the private sector is engaged in Iraq the more likelihood they will have to change over from the currency auctions and go to a free market economy, thus get the currency on FOREX.
10-3-2019 Newshound Guru larrykn Articles: “Iraqi protests turn deadly as security forces open fire on demonstrators”; “UN expresses concern over violence in Iraq protests” this should get the attention on the government. they better get going or the whole government will collapse. This might be the turning point for Iraq.
10-3-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Still hearing the possibility of my being under an NDA today…If I am under an NDA that means I have received some funds…More people that I know have signed NDA’s… This means money must be moving somewhere…just cannot find out where. I am upbeat…I think its because I know who is now under NDAs…and that is exciting even though I cannot share that. i understand that I still will be able to release 800 numbers if I receive them. No word from my Iraqi contact since Saturday…I have been trying to reach them constantly. I feel this is the quiet before the storm…it’s so close we can taste it.