Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-11-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-11-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-11-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …clear back in July….I said IMO our next window for the possibility of the rate changing would be over the weekend of September 21st/22nd. As you see all the factual information is walking you up to that point..most of the other gurus are just now catching up with us…we’re looking amazing…In my opinion I think we have about another week and a half left in this…

9-11-2019 Newshound Guru future [ It is quite simple really! Either Iraq will add value to their currency or they will not ! And to what degree it will be . Every currency has potential to fluctuate up or down …] well from news articles they have said they will reinstate or bring their dinar back to the glory days…when? is the biggest ?.

9-11-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “A STUDY TO DELETE ZEROS FROM THE NATIONAL CURRENCY” IS THE PROJECT TO DELETE THE ZEROS POSTPONED AGAIN? This article led us to believe that in fact it has been postponed again. Is this true? …This article …is NOT telling us they are postponing again the project to delete the zeros. What gets lost in the translation from Arabic to English is they are telling us in the past this is what happened and why it was postponed…

9-11-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …So we know the Finance Committee has made the effort to tell us in the past weeks, with a barrage of articles that they were considering going ahead (and will probably go head) with the project. I also know that they are now re-educating of the citizens via billboards and televised broadcast on the how the project to delete the zeros will work…Iraq CAN NOT go much longer without the reinstatement and the launching of the smaller category notes. Today we have three (3) other articles telling us they are connecting with international organizations for the purpose of doing business with the international world..

9-10-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: “Central Bank announces strategic banking projects for the next five years” Quote: “…the success of the Central Bank’s policy in achieving an important transition to the Iraqi economy and achieve stability in the exchange rate and the recovery of the Iraqi dinar and raise its purchasing power, one of the objectives of strengthening the economy…” CBI MAKES BIG BIG ANNOUNCEMENT… GETTING READY FOR THE “RECOVERY” OF THE DINAR TO IT’S FORMER WEALTH!!

9-10-2019 Newshound Guru Breitling Why do you feel so good about what’s going on? It’s because the people who put this together they’re moving this forward – that’s why. The language that they used at the beginning, ‘We are going to start adding value to our currency and we want to participate in certain markets.’ You’re watching it literally happen before your very eyes…

9-10-2019 Intel Guru Frank …the introduction of the description and pictures of the new small category notes and the coins, which in reality are called visual aids (there will be videos too)…IMO…will be be out before the end of this month of September…Part II: …the satellite private banks information that they would be opening in the next two weeks: We got this information from our teams that were at the meetings with the CBI and approximated two weeks. That would still leave us 1 week left in the month of September…the description [of small notes & coins] is coming out IMO in two weeks. After that if they raise the value they can put the small category notes and coins in the hands of the citizens and they can open the ‘satellite’ banks…the three things need to come together…1, 2, 3…

9-10-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ I’m actually feeling confident we are going to see something this week. I am more optimistic today then I have been in a long time. …Exchanges have already occurred and the holds will be removed and they will be able to spend what they see. My contacts in Iraq are really expecting new rates to start rolling out overnight tonight and continue for the next 2weeks. I am pretty excited. [Is dong still in the first basket? Have you heard any rates lately?] I hear it is definitely in the first basket. Hearing Dinar $3.91 up to $4.41 is possible…

9-10-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …there have been many discussions about a float over the years from the CBI, and economic experts in Iraq…Floating the currency is not some arbitrary or random event it precedes pressure created on their financial system otherwise the repercussions could be bad for the country…if significant investment is going to come into Iraq as expected it’s going to create pressure. There has to be a mechanism in place just prior to relieve that pressure. That mechanism is a float…If you do not have a mechanism in place, the monetary stability in the country will be thrown completely out of whack. And the CBI could lose control over the currency as inflation skyrockets as a result…precautions need to be in place and tools are used to maintain the stability

9-10-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff I feel the formation of the government is secretly done. Just waiting to be announced. It has to be announced no matter what…the definite ones that have to be fulfilled right now are the Education Minister and the three remaining Vice Presidents…which they’re doing this coming Saturday is what they’ve told us in the latest news…

9-10-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We are now hearing yet more international organizations getting involved with Iraq. Even the oil minister has stated Iraq is ripe for international investors. Really? Now even China…is stepping up and announces its willingness to invest in Iraq. This could lead to an economic revolution within Iraq. How can they survive and transfer funds to and from Iraq with this currency auction still in place? Do they want to mess with these 3 zeros? Don’t they want a normalized and simplified currency denominations to work with? The answers are Yes and Yes and they have already told Iraq this is the case. This is why the finance committee is pushing the CBI to complete the project to delete the zeros.