Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-9-19
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-9-19
9-9-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …squashing his [Guru Kaperoni’s] entire theory of, ‘oh, they have to float it because they have 74 trillion in circulation’…CBI already came out and said they’re gonna pull that large amount out of circulation when the rate changes. Because most of that 74 trillion is outside of Iraq held by investors in other countries and the CBI does not give two craps about it…
9-9-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …dinar rates…in excess of $3…not possible. Iraq could never afford any such RV/RI. The only scenario where I could see such a thing is if they LOP first. I’ve already stated I don’t believe that Iraq would LOP. That being said, the only thing they can do is raise the value gradually over time as I’ve discussed many times via a float. The reason why I say they will float is 1. the IMF specifically gave such a directive, 2. Iraq can’t afford any other increase in value with so much currency in circulation, 3. have to reduce the currency which can’t occur until after the value starts to rise. So we’ll just have to wait and see how the next several months play out. But I know one thing if they’re going to raise the value it’s going to have to occur gradually…
9-9-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff All we need is a VP to finish the formation of the government? They have multiple positions to fill, Education, VP’s, possible a few special grades. They’ll need a few weeks to complete it…next session 9/14.
9-9-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ I am still stunned and surprised that we havn’t see it last week. I am hearing from my contacts in Iraq that they are starting a 2 week roll out starting tomorrow….including coins, lower denominations ect…I know many of you are concerned with rumors from other intel providers about lops ect…dont be. A Lop doesn’t even make sense…it won’t fix anything in Iraq…
9-8-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 [Question: If we have a 25K note and went to a satellite bank and the rate was $2.00 would we get $50,000?] You see, inside of Iraq that 25k note is 25 dinars. But outside of Iraq that 25k note is still a 25k note…if it was 2 to 1 you’d have $50,000 American dollars…if you had a million dinars and the rate was 1 to 1…you’re going to get $1 million dollars…it’s not complicated…
9-8-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni There’s a pretty good article that came out the last day or so pertaining to the CBI joining the official forum of monetary and financial institutions (OMFIF). I think this boosts the credibility of the CBI tremendously.
9-8-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff Alright guys now it’s time to get excited. The good news is coming out. We were the only ones sticking to our guns that the formation of the government must be completed before you’ll see the rate change…I specifically told you to keep your eyes on the second half of September. Boom! An article comes out this morning…telling you they’re going to vote on the vice president’s in the next session of parliament which is the second half of September…this is the last thing you’re waiting on…we’re starting to inch to the finish line…
9-8-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …One of the most important reasons we know for sure they will significantly increase the rate upon the movement process to FOREX is that the CBI told us they plan to put the dinar within a basket of currencies. This basket is the SDR basket of 5 of the leading developed countries in the world and that Iraq is most likely to conduct trade with them. So, the rate must change or else this basket will not work which is the purpose of the basket in the first place – to put currencies “on a level playing field”. .. I am telling you FACTS about the process… the process stated to all of us way back in 2011 by the CBI…
9-8-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The rate to reinstate will be essentially the rate prior to the invasion in 2003 with adjustments for equity. We know that the CBI initially wanted to reinstate with this same kind of rate but could not without the banking reforms, the increase in oil production and the gold deposits since discovered… So, they are [in] a great shape to come out at about $3.12+ and some banks are already showing a new rate as calculated by the new system of very close to $4.00. But remember this rate shown could easily be recalculated at the last minute and then moved to FOREX. So we just don’t know for sure…
9-8-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 …we all know by now that the central bank of Iraq is in the process of lifting the value of their currency…there’s no sense in putting the dinar, the new small category note, in their [citizens] hand before we raise the value…all that they’ve done in the massive campaign has made the citizens aware…the next step would be to raise the value NOT to give them what they’ve been seeing [lower denoms] just yet because it has no value. Once the value is raised…they will get the new small categories…it may float. It may not float. It may come out BOOM! direct at some large number…that’s where I think we’re at…