Find out the foreign exchange rates for today 9-7-2019

Find out the foreign exchange rates for today 9-7-2019

9/7/2019 11:41

Find out the foreign exchange rates for todayBAGHDAD: The foreign currency markets in Baghdad and the provinces, on Saturday, stability at the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar.
The market price in the Stock Exchange struggle in the capital Baghdad 120,275, while the exchange rate in exchange reached 119,750, 120,750.
The exchange rate of the dollar in Najaf 120,350, Erbil 120,400, while the price in Mosul 120,550.
Sulaymaniyah Duhok recorded a price of 120,425 and Kirkuk 120,500.
While the exchange rate of the Turkish lira was 572, the Iranian toman 1146