Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-1-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-1-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-1-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff if they’re telling you two currencies will coexist that means they stand valid and legit…it doesn’t mean a 25k became a 25…They flat out told you the two currencies will coexist. That means the large notes are still valid. And the small denoms after the rate change are still valid. There is no other direction you can go with this…because they’re different sized notes that have different values. A 25k note still is a 25k…a 25 note is just that, it’s a 25. There is no grey areas…as an example, if the USD value…was $3 then it’s very simple. A 25k times $3 is now worth $75,000 and a 25 times 3 is worth $75. It’s that simple.

9-1-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni I still do not believe the CBI will make any monetary change until after the economic laws are in place and the budget is passed for 2020. One thing I’m very certain is Article VIII is coming because that has been well laid out in the IMF Art IV Consultations and more importantly Iraq wants to activate the TIFA Agreement with the United States. Freedom of movement of capital is a necessity.

9-1-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “NEWS: ON IRAQ’S ACCESSION TO THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION (WTO).” Yes, Iraq will need a currency to join the WTO. Oh – but they have a currency now. But can it be used easily in trade? NO! That is the problem here. This is why they need to reinstate it. So they DO NOT need to be on FOREX but it sure helps in trading globally to be able to tie into the currency exchanges electronically to get the current exchange rate for the conversion..

8-31-2019 Intel Guru RayRen98 A member overheard some tellers reviewing their procedures on directing currency exchangers to their 800 number.

8-31-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 …the CBI, nobody else can say they have reinstated their currency. So I’m begging you don’t be misled right now. Don’t give your dinars to anybody because of greed or maybe because you think this is not going to happen. Don’t do that…

8-31-2019 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf […you are the first person that I have seen move the decimal points on the value of the dinar (1190 to 1.190) as opposed to the zeroes on the currency itself (25,000 to 25)] It is effectively the same thing, depends if you are talking domestic or international. Within the country concerned dual pricing would come into effect. In the case of Iraq for example, a loaf of bread would be either 1000 dinar note of IQD or a 1 dinar note of the new currency. Internationally the IQD would no longer have any recognized value and the value of the new currency would start at 1000th of the IQD rate on the day the redenomination was implemented. Within Iraq the IQD would retain an equivalence of 1000:1 for a specified transition period and thereafter only exchangeable at a specific banks.

8-31-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “HOW MUCH CURRENCY IS ALLOWED UNDER NEW RULES TO ENTER AND EXIT IRAQ?” Quote: “One of the decisions stipulates that “the entry and exit of amounts exceeding (1,000,000) (one million Iraqi dinars) is prohibited even if they have been declared, and the amount is withheld and legal proceedings are taken.” Oops they spilled the beans in this last paragraph of the article… Now why in hell would they be restricting 1 million dinars when this is only about $1,000 USD? They just told us anything below $10,000 USD is not restricted in an earlier paragraph. So why then tell us in a later paragraph that 1 million dinars is restricted when the equivalent exchange in only equal to $1,000 USD? To me it should be acceptable if the rate was going to remain as it is today. Right? Am I missing something here? So maybe the rate is going to go to at least a busk [buck?] or more. Get it? This is one of those revealing articles.

8-31-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 …these electronic billboards are really very vital in the reinstatement, in the education to the citizens…it’s for the reinstatement of the Iraq Dinar…the dog-gone broadcast was talking about lifting the 3 zeros and the coins…but now they’ve got flatbed trucks running and it’s on them now…this type of campaign to advertise something, they’re putting a lot into it…they’re on the verge of making an announcement. I don’t know when. I don’t know how much. But based on what they’re doing and what they’re telling…They’re on the verge…they are this close to touching the face of the reinstatement of the Iraqi Dinar…I can taste the evidence…all they’re doing right now is educating the citizens. Preparing them…

8-31-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …the CBI said back in 2014 that their #1 thing they were seeking was political stability. So they’re telling you that the formation and complete government is the linchpin…the UN clearly announced that there’s one position remaining – the Education Minister…this whole thing is scripted…we have them attempting to complete the government in September…3 weeks ago you had them bring a ton of reconstruction money into Iraq specifically for the 2019 budget…there’s only one quarter left. Any reconstruction is post rate change event. If they’re gonna use that money in Q4 then they have to walk into Q4 with a new rate in hand. That means they have to change the rate in September. It’s very cut and dry…

8-31-2019 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Question: “I DID ASK TBI BANK IF I CAN USE MASTER CARD ABROAD…ANSWER FROM TBI” Answer: “you can use it in withdrawals from ATMs and direct purchase from the points of sale as well as in the Internet such as subscriptions and airline reservations, hotels, shopping sites and promotion in social networking pages in any country of the world except Brazil, Indonesia, Syria and Iran.” Wow, Trade Bank is telling us they are international on a Friday when banks are closed… Fascinating…! …all the facts in place now are evidence the end results for the completion of Monetary Reforms is coming to a close! Yes, international cards being used from here on out from the looks of it…