Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-31-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-31-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-31-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I have to tell everyone right now it appears that everything is on track to move ahead with the project to delete the zeros and launch the smaller category coins and maybe some notes too. We are about to move to the next and final stag…

8-31-2019 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Question: “I DID ASK TBI BANK IF I CAN USE MASTER CARD ABROAD…ANSWER FROM TBI” Answer: “you can use it in withdrawals from ATMs and direct purchase from the points of sale as well as in the Internet such as subscriptions and airline reservations, hotels, shopping sites and promotion in social networking pages in any country of the world except Brazil, Indonesia, Syria and Iran.” Wow, Trade Bank is telling us they are international on a Friday when banks are closed… Fascinating…! …all the facts in place now are evidence the end results for the completion of Monetary Reforms is coming to a close! Yes, international cards being used from here on out from the looks of it…

8-31-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …the CBI said back in 2014 that their #1 thing they were seeking was political stability. So they’re telling you that the formation and complete government is the linchpin…the UN clearly announced that there’s one position remaining – the Education Minister…this whole thing is scripted…we have them attempting to complete the government in September…3 weeks ago you had them bring a ton of reconstruction money into Iraq specifically for the 2019 budget…there’s only one quarter left. Any reconstruction is post rate change event. If they’re gonna use that money in Q4 then they have to walk into Q4 with a new rate in hand. That means they have to change the rate in September. It’s very cut and dry…

8-30-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …the UN is seeking to get Iraq ready to become International…the UN was just in Iraq back in July. The UN is back in Iraq now…back in July…they were only there for the consultation. They weren’t reviewing all of Iraq’s progress. The only reason why the UN would be reviewing Iraq’s progress…is because Iraq is advancing to their next stage. They’re becoming international. This is huge. That’s why I have brought such a large emphasis on the month of September…You have the UN in Iraq. You have Iraq telling you they’re gonna finish the formation of the government. This is huge…

8-30-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Iraq is a risky country. And most banks will not deal with the dinar even when they move to Article VIII. At least initially anyway. So for gurus to be talking about cashing in/rates/spreads it’s all nonsense at this time. One of the reasons banks will avoid the dinar is because of its potential to be volatile. Most banks by nature are conservative and avoid these types of currencies. That is why I never really discuss the next step of cashing out/exchanging is because until the dinar is internationally convertible (Article VIII) and used in commerce there is no point. And if the dinar floats and gradually appreciates as we expect, it’s a whole different process as investors may have to get involved with market makers/brokers or dealers to set up accounts. Time will tell.


8-30-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 …my broker one day called me and said ‘we’re gonna have to limit the amount of dinars that we sell to 1 million per customer’ …The CBI said ‘we’re not going to sell our currency to any brokers, any dealers any money exchangers no more…and the CBI stopped selling its currency. (They only did it by selling through the auction) …now with what…we told you yesterday Whales and sharks cannot go inside Iraq and come out with a whole bunch of dinars…they tightened up their borders and this is fantastic. And you don’t do this for toilet paper currency. You don’t do it for a program rate. You do it to secure your borders because you’re about to have a currency that is so valuable that it’s going to become a pivotal currency in the heart of the Middle East..

8-30-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …keep in mind Iraq is still under UN Chapter 7 sanctions…Notice how the UN is back in Iraq over the last few days…Iraq is fulfilling its obligations to get out of Ch. 7 to become international. And notice how they’re doing it in Q3. Article quote “Commitment show by Iraq in fulfilling all remaining international obligations…” This is showing you Iraq is on its way out of Ch 7 and that’s why the UN is there now. This is huge…