Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-16-19
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-16-19
8-16-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Articles: “A COURT ORDER WAS ISSUED APPOINTING AN INSPECTOR GENERAL IN THE CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ”; “APPOINTMENT OF AN INSPECTOR OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ, USUALLY VIOLATED HIS INDEPENDENCE AND EXCEEDED ITS LAW” This is WOW! news! …This yet another step in cleaning up the corruption in the CBI…The new law passed this year, the Financial Management Law states that an inspector general will be appointed over the CBI. The positions has very specific auditing responsibilities and will not interfere with monetary policy. So we are witnessing them implement this new law. This is all very good for us.
8-16-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni I find it funny that the guru’s talk about ATM machines as if they’re not working, and some mythical RV must happen for them to work. Wrong! They’re fully operational right now and have been so for quite some time dispensing dinar notes at the current exchange rate.
8-16-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article today says the CBI reserves are up to 72 billion.
8-16-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 …parliament made it very clear on television…purchasing power…in the first term session…the world knows they’re Article VIII. It’s not a secret. Now purchasing power is what the citizens want. Right now though they’re cleaning everything up…
8-15-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We still wait for the banking reforms to take hold. The CBI is still in the last phase of getting people on the credit and debit cards…The ATMs are up and working. They are distributing mostly the 250, 500 and 1,000 notes. Just recently they also re-introduced the 50 dinar notes too. The other planned smaller category notes are NOT yet in circulation but are being planned as the economic conditions dictate. …I do see our newest window could be until the end of August until the new session of parliament on Sept 3rd begins… I say this…because parliament told us themselves this was their plan to implement the currency reform before the end of the first session of parliament. We are getting close to the end. In fact, they are already on recess and the end is technically already here. So, this window I speak of may already be all for nothing. But let’s wait it out and see what happens.
8-15-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Dinar Investor – Jeff …If they release lower denoms before the rate changes the first thing is people would have to carry large sacks or duffel bags of lower denoms and coins to the stores to buy consumer goods…the fastest way they piss the citizens off is if they have to start carrying very large bags of currency…because the rate hasn’t changed…second…if you released smaller notes to replace bigger notes and you don’t change the rate you’ve just devalued your currency…On March 20th the CBI already came out and said they plan to increase the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar. So if they’re going to increase the exchange rate means that the lower notes have to be release at the same time as the rate increases otherwise it will be a devaluation..
8-15-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Spoke with Isaac last night…(in Zurich)…he is expecting currency funds tomorrow… I talked with 2 other contacts in Europe who are saying similar…No change of value in Iraq as of yet. [when do you think they could fire up the 800 numbers?] I am hoping to see them today…I believe we are sitting on the precipice of implosion that will push this reset to fruition. I know this waiting has been excruciating …this reset has taken decades…and we are in the final days…we need this reset out the door NOW…
8-15-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni You cannot stop currency auctions until you have something to replace it. The auction is what keeps the stability of the currency. Until Iraq accepts Article VIII, the dinar is traded globally, currency auctions will continue. Auctions also serve as revenue generator for the CBI…
8-15-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We have read over and over again that they need to get the POS (point of sale) machines and ATMs (Automatic Teller Machines) up and running and most importantly for the citizens to use them. This is all part of the “project to delete the zeros”. So far, they have been very successful and are even currently paying almost 80% of the payrolls now to the citizens via electronic means. They want to soon get close to 95% by the end of the year. So the BIG push is on… Later yes, these cards can be used overseas or out of country to also conduct international business but they will need FOREX to determine the rate for the conversion…
8-15-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Dinar Investor – Jeff The formation of the government…has everything to do with this and that’s what the delay is…the number one thing…you want to keep your eyes on is the formation of the government. That’s what’s letting you know when you’re reaching the finish line…Back on February 27th of this year Iraq had a key meeting called the National Meeting. All the members of government were present. One of the things they did was…celebrated being a brand new “unified” country…three days later on Saturday an article came out stating Iraq is now “unified”…back on that “five year delay” article from 2014 the CBI stressed that they would not delete the zeros until Iraq had political stability…making the formation of the government the linchpin to the rate change…
8-15-2019 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Kurdish delegation’s visit to Baghdad will discuss the return of the region’s share of the budget to 17 percent” So it looks like they are going to put this issue to bed finally!! I like the time line they have too. Seems to fit in line with all the education they have had on going. All the pressures from so many angles are noted that support that everyone is ready for them to complete reforms and open up to the world by twining Baghdad and Kurdistan regions into one cohesive body working for all the common good. That time frame they give is immediately after Eid Al Adha… That time frame is upon us so very shortly. Eid is over this week our time… So, I am not in any hurry to poo poo this meeting. The timing of it is in my humble opinion to be right on schedule… A big window this weekend! imo.