Parliament votes to amend the law of the Union of Geologists and discusses two laws (expanded)
Parliament votes to amend the law of the Union of Geologists and discusses two laws (expanded)
2019/7/20 18:28
The Council voted in its 33rd session held under the chairmanship of Hassan al-Kaabi, the first deputy chairman of the Council, on Saturday 20/7/2019, in the presence of 182 deputies to amend the law of the Union of Geologists and ended discussion of two bills and a number of service topics.
According to the statement of the Information Service of the House of Representatives, received {Euphrates News} a copy of it, that “at the outset of the meeting, the Council deferred to consider the appeals filed on the validity of the membership of some deputies because of the lack of quorum required to achieve the paragraph.”
In the same context, the Council voted on the draft law of the second amendment of the law of the Union of Geologists No. (197) for the year 1968, submitted by the Committee of Civil Society Institutions and the development of the Parliament to keep pace with the changes in the practice of work relating to the science of the land and classification of geologists according to their experience in work and grant the General Assembly of the union and its Council powers to enable Keeping pace with economic and scientific changes.
The Council decided to postpone the reading of the report and discuss the draft law on the organization of the establishment of Allawi, the sale of fruits, vegetables and animals provided by the committees of agriculture, water, marshes, finance, services and reconstruction at the request of the Committee on Agriculture and the representative of the government in the House of Representatives.
Al-Kaabi called for a meeting this week between the concerned committees and the representative of the government to reach an agreement on the continuation of legislation to regulate the establishment of Allawi, the sale of fruits, vegetables and animals or not.
The Council also called for reading the report and discussion of the draft law of the first amendment to the Law of the Ministry of Education No. (22) for the year 2011 and submitted by the Education Committee.
The Council completed a report and discussion of a bill to draw the character of the national campaign for building schools and kindergartens provided by the Education Committee.
The interventions of council members focused on demanding that the bill be reconsidered without imposing additional financial burdens on the citizen and that the law intersects with the principle of free education, pointing to the need of the education sector to maintain schools more than building new schools. In addition to determining the percentage of the increase in the prices of selling oil and demand allocation of funds from the federal budget and investment allocations to the provinces, and call for recourse to direct taxes and not indirect, especially those with high incomes in addition to the establishment of funds Numeih to support the educational sector, as well as the call to host involved in the Ministry of Planning for the plans in money management.
In its response to the interventions, the Committee stressed the need to legislate the law as a service to the construction of schools through the determination of a certain period of characterization until the goal is achieved and that the funds collected are limited in each province, noting the existence of the Law of Characterization Legislature in 2012 and
completed the Council read the report and discussion Proposed law of the third amendment to the law of the inclusion of medical and health professionals No. (6) for the year 2000 submitted by the Health and Environment Committee.
The committee called for the importance of advancing the legislation of the law in order to remove the gap from a large group of graduates of faculties of science and medical and medical sciences.
For his part, called Turhan Mufti representative of the government in the House of Representatives to wait to vote on the draft law until the knowledge of the Ministry of Health project.
The Council discussed a number of issues related to the citizens’ affairs, including the demands of the people of Sadr City to activate traffic lights and increase the hours of electricity supply to citizens and lifting waste, and demanding the organization of the entrances of Baghdad City by the area of Husseiniya and the need to intervene executive body to prevent blackmail drivers of pregnancy cars coming from the provinces in addition to finding An alternative piece of landfill for Husseiniya and the residential unit project, and the demand of the Ministry of Oil to provide employment opportunities for graduates of chemical engineering and activating the Federal Service Council and the formation of a committee to find out the reasons for low success rates in schools and find ways to raise the And the call for the hosting of Mr. Prime Minister in the House of Representatives to raise the problems of the provinces, and demand the government and the House of Representatives to a firm stance towards Turkish violations by bombing areas in the Kurdistan region, and to demand the hosting of the Minister of Education To discuss re
In turn, the representative of the government in the Council to hold a meeting with the security authorities to discuss the organization of the work of checkpoints located in the entrances and central Baghdad, better serve the citizens.
For his part, Hassan al-Kaabi directed the Education Committee to take its oversight role to find out the subject of deteriorating success rates among students, calling for proposals from the parliamentary committees concerned in favor of providing degrees in the educational sector to solve the problems of postgraduate graduates, In addition to directing the parliamentary department to provide statistics on the number of additions and formal communications conducted by the House of Representatives to the local administrations and the ministers.
The meeting was then adjourned until Monday 22/7/2019