Surun: the agreement of the presidencies to postpone the resolution of special grades confusion for the government and Abdul-Mahdi bears responsibility for delaying

Surun: the agreement of the presidencies to postpone the resolution of special grades confusion for the government and Abdul-Mahdi bears responsibility for delaying

2019/6/30 12:48

Surun - the agreement of the presidencies to postpone the resolution of special grades confusion for the government and Abdul-Mahdi bears responsibility for delaying[Baghdad – where]
the MP for the alliance of Alaa al-Rubaie, said that the meeting of the three presidencies and the agreement to postpone the resolution of grades to a later time will complicate the work of the government, and Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi bears responsibility for the delay.
“The meeting of the three presidencies, which discussed a number of issues, including the limitation of arms in the hands of the state, the protection of diplomatic missions and the need to support the government in choosing the best for the management of institutions, was not successful in discussing the amendment of Article 58,” al-Rubaie said in a statement. ] Of the Budget Law by submitting a bill to amend the article by granting more time to the government until 24-10-2019, [the end of the year of the life of the government].
He added that “the agreement to amend this article a political desire will lead to more quotas and secret agreements to obtain special grades of some blocks that try by various means to delay this file at the moment.”
“The prime minister is responsible for the delay,” he said, adding that “he has put himself in an embarrassing position, even though the postponement is correct and necessary, but we have to know the reasons for the delay in ending this important file,” adding that “if the prime minister stays the same way he is now, This file in the new date so respect for the Iraqi people should issue a formal clarification of the prime minister to explain the reasons for the failure to control the map timings binding. ”