Parliamentary energy reveals the terms of the new oil agreement between Baghdad and Erbil
Parliamentary energy reveals the terms of the new oil agreement between Baghdad and Erbil
2019/6/28 17:06
(Baghdad: al-Furat News) The parliamentary energy committee revealed on Friday the terms of the agreement between Baghdad and Erbil on oil.
The head of the committee, Hibet Halboussi, said in a press statement, “Last week, the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nigirvan Barzani, visited Baghdad and then met with the Speaker of the House of Representatives Mohammad Halboussi. I was present at this meeting. Several topics were discussed. .
He added that “it was agreed to form a committee of oil and parliamentary energy and to go to the region to discuss with the Committee on oil and energy in the region and put several topics at the dialogue table and settle this dispute because it is not in the interest of the region or the federal government.”
Halabousi pointed out that “according to the budget law for 2019 will be exported 250 thousand barrels and delivered by the Government of the Territory to the Iraqi marketing company Sumo, in exchange for the Iraqi government to pay salaries and matters related to the budget of the region,” explaining that “there is a ministerial committee from the region will go to the Ministry Oil to discuss this issue and there is also a committee by the Committee on oil and energy will go to the Parliament of the Kurdistan region to discuss these problems and find appropriate solutions.
“For foreign companies operating in the oil and gas field in Iraq, there are solid and internationally accredited companies, but there are some points of disagreement in the subject of licensing rounds on the subject of service and the disbursement of corporate dues and amounts exaggerated, especially that the Committee on oil and energy noted and identified some points of Before these companies will be addressed this issue by agreement and meetings with the Ministry of Oil. ”
Al-Halbusi said that “the federal government to spend about 10 billion dollars this year from the budget to the companies in exchange for these companies work according to the terms of the contract, but there are some differences that were diagnosed and discussed with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Oil, and in this regard there will be a meeting Common to address these issues. ”
He pointed out that “we have numbers by the general managers who were hosted in the House of Representatives and demanded an official letter of the Ministry of Oil to provide us with monthly quantities processed from oil fields.”
“The Rumaila field is the first place in the production of fields, it produces about 1.5 million barrels per day followed by other fields, and Basra is exporting 3 million barrels.”