Parliament votes on the law and ends the reading of the re-associate of the interior and defense (expanded)

Parliament votes on the law and ends the reading of the re-associate of the interior and defense (expanded)

2016/20/5 17:38

Parliament votes on the law and ends the reading of the re-associate of the interior and defenseThe House voted in its 19th session held under the chairmanship of Mohamed Halboussi, the President of the Council on Monday, in the presence of 210 deputies on the amendment of the law fines and ends reading the proposed law to restore the employees of the Ministries of Interior and Defense to service and report investigation of the incident of homeless girls and discuss The environmental situation in Basra.
At the beginning of the hearing, Halabousi asked to consider the appeals submitted on the validity of the membership of some deputies because of the lack of quorum of two-thirds of the members of the Council.
The Council voted on the draft law amending the fines law contained in Penal Code No. 111 of 1969 and other special laws No. 6 of 2008 submitted by the Legal Committee in order to amend the amounts of fines stipulated in the Penal Code mentioned above and to complete this amendment to the penalties stipulated in other laws And to eliminate disparity by increasing the amounts of fines contained therein.
In another matter, the Presidency of the Council postponed reading the report and discussion of the draft law on the rights of martyrs of the air base crime submitted by the committees of martyrs, victims, political prisoners and human rights, to Wednesday for the purpose of maturation.
The council ended the reading of a report and discussion of the proposed law to restore the employees of the Ministries of Interior and Defense to the service provided by the Security and Defense Committee.
The MPs’ interventions focused on the importance of speeding up the establishment of clear controls to restore the employees of the ministries of interior and defense, the actual implementation of it and take the government’s opinion on their return to ensure the bill financial burdens and be comprehensive for all problems related to applicants to volunteer in the ranks of the security forces as well as the need to reconsider the separation of some employees of the Ministries of Interior and Defense Who had a long tradition of opposing the ousted regime and were dismissed for providing non-fundamental documents.
The interventions focused on the importance of half the families of martyrs and wounded members of the defense and the interior who were separated because of the forged documents and the treatment of the returnees to serve in the law, and the demand to correct the phenomena that took place in the past years who submitted false documents for appointment with the need to host the Chief of Staff of the Army and the Office of the Commander- To inquire about the situation of those who have not received their rights and to grant the commanders and commanders of the army and the police the authority to evaluate the dismissed soldiers and the fate of their return, as well as a proposal to return the dismissed to service provided that they completed their studies within the required conditions, Anon.
In turn, urged the President of the Council to amend the law of the security forces by making the condition of acceptance of the associate to build his ability to read and write instead of the requirement to obtain a certificate of primary to address the problem of employees of the Ministries of Defense and Interior dismissed.
In response to the interventions, the committee stressed the inclusion of the segment of the dismissed members of the interior and the defense of the amnesty law, especially that the number of about 1,000 security elements, pointing to the need to resolve the issue from a humanitarian point of view, taking into consideration the proposals and views of ladies and gentlemen MPs.
For his part, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Bashir Haddad stressed during the presiding over part of the session on the importance of speeding up legislation of the proposed law provided that the approval is not given to the process of forgery, but to address the provisions of the law legally, while retaining the academic level of employees of the interior and defense.
The Council then discussed the environmental situation in Basra Governorate.
The MP Faleh al-Khazali, the applicant for the discussion to the pollution of water, air and soil in the province of Basra and the presence of 18 sites for radioactive materials have not been treated so far as well as gas associated with the oil explorer, which has not been treated according to environmental determinants in addition to the presence of remnants of war in the waters of the Shatt al-Arab and pollution of rivers in the center Basra province.
He called on the deputy minister to issue a parliamentary resolution directing the government to solve the problem of environmental pollution in Basra according to a time ceiling and allocate the necessary amounts in the budget this year to cost the Ministry of Defense and other concerned parties to remove the war waste and provide sufficient amounts for those suffering from cancer and urged oil companies to abide by the determinants of the environment for safety Environmental issues.
In the interventions of the deputies, the claim focused on taking the health authorities and the environment role in the dumping of radioactive waste in the presence of radioactive barrels in Basra and oil contaminants, in addition to the intention of the relevant authorities to locate the Tuwaitha to dump radioactive waste in its location, as well as activating the law of the Atomic Energy Commission Safety of the ecosystem of citizens.
The interventions focused on the demand to give special attention to the health environment in the province of Basra, which suffers from neglect and follow up the environmental situation, and call on countries that caused environmental waste due to wars to pay material compensation and contribute to the establishment of research centers to address environmental contaminants, with the importance of seeking to form a specialized scientific committee adopts international standards Nuclear power to store radioactive barrels in safe places.
He urged the Health and Environment Committee to host the Minister of Health and the Supreme Environment Committee to discuss the issue of environmental pollution in the province of Basra, calling for the formation of a joint committee comprising members of the committees of health and environment and oil and energy, security, defense and agriculture to discuss the issue of pollution.
In another context, the investigative committee of the displaced women’s home in Adhamiya reported that it visited the house to find out the causes of the fire, meet with the remaining displaced women and document the testimonies of the officials in the house as well as host the Commission on Human Rights and the view On the minutes of the investigative committee formed in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the fact-finding report on the incident prepared by the Commission on Human Rights.
The report pointed out that the incident was not the first of its kind, but preceded by events and practices in the rehabilitation of juvenile displaced women in Adhamiya without any follow-up or investigative procedures, which indicates a clear failure in the functions of the administration of the house from the Ministry of Labor and social Affairs to the Ministry of Justice , while the role was attached to the rehabilitation of juvenile female homeless people with special care of the Department of the Ministry of Labor and social Affairs needs.
the Commission recommended in its report the need to move the criminal complaint and punish the perpetrators of the case be referred to the courts for the occurrence Action Of a criminal nature indicating the existence of criminal behavior led to a fire in the house ended with the death of a number of displaced women and reconsider the legislation related to juvenile care and the law of juvenile reform and the law of provinces not organized in the province to determine the specialized authority to manage these roles and work to strengthen The role of the social researcher and activating the role of the aftercare so as to ensure the rehabilitation of the displaced and their integration into the society, as well as the demand of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to conduct an investigation on the delivery of 24 beneficiaries to their families immediately after the incident without paying attention to their interests and consider the possibility of inclusion The As well as the importance of providing appropriate infrastructure that takes into account the age of girls and the type of crimes and juveniles detained by judicial decision, providing psychological and health programs for rehabilitation and providing specialized staff with high competence in the field of rehabilitation, care and administration.
Haddad, the vice president of the council, recommended that the committee on women, family and childhood follow up the investigation into the incident of the displaced women’s home and the procedures for presenting it to the judiciary.
The MPs’ interventions focused on the importance of taking strict measures against those involved in the incident and initiating criminal proceedings against all employees causing the death of the inmates and addressing the house’s debts.
In its response to the interventions, the competent committee confirmed that it had carried out all procedures related to the incident of the displaced women’s home and that it had all the documents related to the incident.
The Vice-President of the Council called on the Women, Family, Childhood and Human Rights Committees to hold a joint meeting to host the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, demanding that the issue be given greater and more serious attention to achieving satisfactory results.
The Council postponed reading a report on the reality of the electrical system to future sessions at the request of the Committee on Oil and Energy.
It was then decided to adjourn the meeting until Tuesday, 21/5/2019