Maliki, Abbadi and Hakim … cut off the last step from the stage of toppling the government of Abdul Mahdi

Maliki, Abbadi and Hakim … cut off the last step from the stage of toppling the government of Abdul Mahdi

Monday, April 22, 2019 at 13:57 pm

Maliki - Abbadi and Hakim ... cut off the last step from the stage of toppling the government of Abdul MahdiBaghdad / Sky Press

73 deputies and 3 alliances threaten to split from the blocks of building and reform and Amiri moves to defuse the crisis

The last hours witnessed political movements overshadowed the Iraqi scene, most notably the visits of the head of the construction bloc and the alliance of conquest Hadi al-Amiri to the President of the coalition victory Haidar Abadi and his visit a few days ago to the head of the wisdom movement Ammar al-Hakim to defuse crisis A big warning of the collapse of the government.

A political source said on Monday that these moves are intended to remove the political tension that has been threatened and threatens to break the nodes of the masses of reform and construction alike

The source says that major coalitions in the blocks of construction and reform to may declare a parliamentary bloc consisting of 65 deputies, in order to resolve many issues and outstanding issues under the dome of the House of Representatives.

In this regard, MP Nada Shaker Jawdat, a member of the coalition of victory, which is one of the components of the alliance of reform and reconstruction, led by Ammar al-Hakim, “The coalition agreed with the coalition of state law within the coalition of construction led by Hadi al-Ameri to merge together and the formation of a new parliamentary bloc.”

She adds that “the coalition victory and the law headed by Haider Abadi and Nuri al-Maliki were able to convince the stream of national wisdom and take his deputies to the new parliamentary trust.”

She pointed out that “the goal of resolving is to resolve many issues and outstanding issues within the House of Representatives, most notably naming the heads of parliamentary committees.”

The new coalition is 73 deputies, according to the seats obtained by the rule of law in the last elections of 25 seats, and the stream of national wisdom 19 seats, while the number of deputies of the victory coalition 29 deputies after a wave of splits occurred within.

Salah al-Arabawi, leader of the National Wisdom Movement and secretary of the Alliance for Reform and Reconstruction, attacked some parties to “reduce the political scene by two alliances or two blocs.”

Al-Arabawi said in a televised statement that “the reduction of coalitions in two blocks is not true and we have opportunities and the rules of the masses and are able to change budgets and the decision to go to the opposition or not coupled with the will of the masses” noting that “we went to the opposition will form the largest bloc in the political arena.”

He pointed out that “the Saron coalition in the past period had a vision to go to the conquest and on this basis formed the government of 2018,” noting that “the triangle of governance in 2018 {Suron and Fatah and Adel Abdul Mahdi) has differed from the former, and wisdom will have a different decision from all previous decisions , But others continue to say by sticking to the alliance of reform.

He pointed out that “the opposition is an existing option, which is popular and some political forces do not find themselves in the government and its right to go to this option, a healthy state in the assessment of the government,” noting that “the opposition aimed at the calendar and construction and not punctuation

In turn, said a member of the coalition of law Atwan al-Atwani felt despair and frustration at the repetition of the names of candidates for vacant ministries and the lack of approvals in addition to the case of Elias in the House of Representatives because there is no intention close to open and resolve the issue of ministerial cab, “Mstdraka” even parliamentary committees suffered laxity because of the selection of heads to her”.