Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-27-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-27-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-27-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru tman23 Damn interesting that Secretary Treasurer Steve Munchin shook the markets after it leaked that he called banks to check if they had enough liquidity…WELL DO THEY?? AND WHAT IS ABOUT TO COME? It is getting close to the New Year when Iraq MUST do the ZEROS…we shall see what that entails as this is also the year for USA infrastructre rebuild to kickoff…Like what i’m seeing…hopefully the dinar bares fruit shortly!

12-27-2018 Intel Guru ADMINBILL Keep your eye on the ball during the coming week and into 2019…Remember, this is a process…Truth will soon prevail…We win.

12-26-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “THE PARLIAMENTARY ECONOMY REVEALS EFFORTS TO AMEND THE INVESTMENT LAW TO INCREASE OPPORTUNITIES” Folks this is a BIG one. This law needed to be amended to facilitate foreign investors into Iraq. This was noted in the Kuwaiti conference and so finally we see it amended almost a year later. They sure do take their time…lol…We know for a FACT that the reinstatement of the dinar is supposed to be the launching pin of the 2018-2022 reconstruction effort. Article quote: “and to raise the market value of the Iraqi dinar”

12-26-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article quote: “President Trump and the First Lady traveled to Iraq late on Christmas night to visit with our troops and Senior Military leadership to thank them for their service, their success, and their sacrifice and to wish them a Merry Christmas.” Trump makes a surprise visit to Iraq.

12-26-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Article: “Iraqi blocs resume their dialogues for “consensus” on the remaining three ministries of the government” Quote: ” …the remaining three ministries: the defense, the interior and justice, waiting to vote in future sessions. ”

12-26-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat HERE COMES ARTICLE 140, JUST IN TIME? Quote: “The President of the House of Representatives, Mohamed Halbusi, the request to host the Implementation Committee Article (140) of the Constitution to discuss the reasons for not completing the work that was formed for it.” So here it is again. Folks this is not my FAKE news. This is real and finally it seems that going to implement Article 140 or pursue it again. Many say it is already done. NOT true. Like I keep telling everyone there needs to be a formal referendum (that is already written and send to parliament) then it needs to be voted on and implemented. Then it is done.