Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-2-18
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-2-18
11-2-2018 Intel Guru Bruce …I was feeling really good about what was supposed to occur for us last night [Wednesday]. I will tell you why, and this vindicates me somewhat. Guess what did happen…over Halloween night? China started. China got this ball started with the GCR in Asia, in China, in Hong Kong…They started with exchanges. They started paying out, and we are sitting here with a very slow rollout at playing catch up now. …What it tells us is we were ready to go…We are still in a process here of a rollout. There are things happening as we speak…We been told by HSBC London that we are under a let’s call it High Alert Status…
11-2-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …news of some debt forgiveness of the 2004 Paris Agreement and meeting the conditions of the IMF Stand By Agreement terms is completed in order to do so. This is a huge sum of money ($128 billion) and once again sets Iraq up in a position allowing them more financial flexibility. As we all know paying off past debt, especially war debt, is showing financial responsibility and this sets up Iraq in a better position for the reinstatement of the dinar sooner than later. But I do not hear that this is a trigger mechanism for the reinstatement.
11-1-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan On a slightly different path we see working in conjunction with Iraq, we did see the AMF with Iraq that ended a 10 day meeting…last Thursday. It was between Iraq and the AMF among others like the IMF, WB, BIS, etc.. Why is this all important…Contracts. The AMF (22 countries), Kuwait, USA, Great Britain, Japan, Korea, etc., were working on imo valuation of the REER to use for to adjust contracts. Very important part of the final process.. They need to establish Fair Value for pricing goods and services.
11-1-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [When are they [IMF] going to review Iraq’s situation again I wonder] Once the government is fully formed. I would expect we will hear within a month.
11-1-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [How much more do you think Iraq needs to achieve or put into place before they can reveal their true rate of exchange? I’m sure the list has shrunk dramatically.] Dramatically indeed – if we don’t have any solid movement after the GOI is seated, I will be doing a more comprehensive post on the subject. Since that may not be necessary, let’s just see what the next week brings us.
11-1-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Quote: “The next phase of currency reform is the conversion from old cash currency to new. The authorities must decide—at first privately—when the currency exchange will begin, when it will end, and whether or not to cap, in absolute terms, the amount to be exchanged. Then, decisions on the announcement of and publicity for the currency exchange must be made. Other essential decisions include the conversion rate and how financial assets, resident/nonresident accounts, and existing currency contracts will be treated in the currency exchange.” They tell us above that those in charge of MR must decide when the exchange will begin, when it will end, etc,. They also mention the conversion rate and how it will effect other things like currency contracts and how they are to be treated in the currency exchange. This is at the end of the process as noted in the Turkmenistan model. At this final phase is at the time when they first privately, then eventually publicly say when they will do it and at what conversion rate. Hence, we await the “” 2nd Article””.. So why do I bring this back up again? Well, today we see them talking about contracts.. Part of the final phase, imo.. That is why I do.
11-1-2018 Intel Guru ADMINBILL …Much has been leaked through banking and government sources that continue to be false flags for purposes known only to those that initiate them. That does not mean they are incorrect. Imo, what they share is meant for those that are the bankers, lawyers and agencies that will make the RV/GCR process happen when the release is activated. Perhaps it is one of the continual preparatory drills to make absolutely sure all agencies and organizations are in sync and ready to go at a moment’s notice. And perhaps it is a way of making sure we are ready as well.