Deputy chest: candidates more fortunate than Abadi to prime minister

Deputy chest: candidates more fortunate than Abadi to prime minister

2018/6/24 10:30

Deputy chest - candidates more fortunate than Abadi to prime minister(Baghdad: al-Furat News) The MP for the Liberal bloc of the Sadrist movement, Awad al-Awadi, said that “it is not right for Prime Minister Haider Abadi to be the only candidate to head the next government.”
Al-Awadi told Al-Furat News, “If they are the only slaves is to get the second mandate, this is not a service to the homeland,” adding that the Prime Minister “is now looking for a second term as prime minister and his right as a bloc and the right to present himself, “But it is not his right to be the only person for this position, it is the right of the blocks to submit candidates and not to stick to the premiership.”
He explained that Abadi “adheres to [nomination for prime minister} because he has qualifications and acceptability, but there are more fortunate personalities and the same qualifications.”
“The largest bloc can withdraw confidence from the prime minister,” Awadi said, noting that the choice of candidate for the post “conditional on a government program.”
With regard to the extension of the work of the House of Representatives, he said, “We are not with the extension of the life of parliament, but we must apply the law of the Federal Court despite our objections to it.”
He added, “We expect if there is counting and realistic sorting without problems, the seats will be increased as our audience is clear and the coalition with others are also clear,” noting that “the count and the real sorting needs to be closely monitored by entities and there is an international presence “He said.
He said that “the results of others and the provinces of the center and the south will not change much in the case of re-counting and sorting because it did not submit clear appeals to the judiciary on them.”
He pointed out that “the judges assigned, came as a result of the fraud and complaints in the electoral violations and the greater responsibility today, they are not subject to bargaining and quotas,” pointing out that “the judiciary today at stake to win the confidence of the street through the detection of counterfeiting evidence,” stressing that ” Questioning the decisions of the Federal Court. ”
“The open session of the parliament does not know how the court approved it as true,” al-Awadi said.
“All things are abnormal,” he said. “The issue of negligence in the unreasonable is that the equipment is not properly stored and raises more doubts.”
As for the alliances and the choice of the next prime minister, said the Sadrist movement Awad al-Awadi that “things are not resolved yet, and is still in the stage of dialogue and understandings, and was expected to conduct such dialogues and understandings and meetings and this is not the first meeting between Mr. Sadr and Abbadi, “There is a national government project,” he said. “Everyone is looking for a personal, but we are looking for the implementation of the project.”
He pointed out that “everyone wants to develop the government program and the conviction and then form the government.”
The leader of the Sadrist movement, Mr. Moqtada al-Sadr announced on Saturday, the alliance of blocs Ssron and victory (led by Prime Minister Haider Abadi), after meeting with the Prime Minister in Najaf.
In announcing the alliance points, Mr. Sadr stressed the need to combat corruption and peaceful transfer of power