Detecting the involvement of the son of “Nuri al-Maliki” in the Russian arms deal

Detecting the involvement of the son of “Nuri al-Maliki” in the Russian arms deal

Sat, 10 Mar 2018 05:55:47

Detecting the involvement of the son of Nuri al-Maliki in the Russian arms dealCorruption among officials in post-2003 governments is rampant, and governments collude with and ignore this corruption.

In this context, a US report revealed details of the participation of “Ahmed,” the son of former Prime Minister “Nuri al-Maliki,” the conclusion of the Russian arms deal in 2012, using the services of an American businessman of Lebanese origin, to conduct secret communications in Moscow.

The site “Monitor”, “” Ahmed Nuri al-Maliki “established close ties in 2012 with the American businessman of Lebanese origin,” George Nader, “who has a long record of mediations in Iraq and the Middle East.

The report pointed out that “Nader went to Moscow for the arms deal in 2012, and informed the Russian interlocutors that he represents Prime Minister” Nuri al-Maliki, “and must negotiate the deal through him, at the same time that was negotiating the former defense minister,” Saadoun al-Dulaimi ” , With the Russians, on the same deal. ”

The report pointed out that “the relationship of” George Nader “with the son of” Nuri al-Maliki “has seen a development during their work on” electricity projects, “and it seems that the relationship established by Nader with the son of al-Maliki brought a rare to the inner circle of the former prime minister when the negotiation was negotiated on the huge Russian weapons “He said.

According to the report, “a rare role in the deal was controversial for officials in Iraq; because the Iraqi Defense Minister Saadoun was in Russia for the negotiations, and were unaware that Maliki is working with Nader to” bypass official channels. ”

The report quoted an official as saying that he personally witnessed “George Nader” interviews with Maliki at his Moscow hotel when he accompanied Maliki to Moscow in October 2012 to sign a arms deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

According to the report, “Dulaimi received a letter from the former Russian Energy Minister” Yuri Shafranik, “warns him of the presence of other people in Moscow claim that they, and not the Minister of Defense, representing Maliki, and must pass through them.

“The presence of more than one representative of Iraq in Moscow, confused the Russians, forcing” Yuri Shafranik “to go to Baghdad; in order to try to clarify the situation with” Nuri al-Maliki, “and offered him a direct contact with Russian President” Vladimir Putin “to avoid confusion And leaks “.

He pointed out that the confusion over who represents Baghdad in the arms deal will be resolved, but the former official was surprised when he accompanied Maliki to Moscow in October; 2012 to sign the Russian arms deal, After seeing “George Nader” enter the hotel and take the elevator to Maliki’s wing.

“We were at the Radisson Hotel in Moscow. Suddenly George Nader came and walked very quickly, and then he entered the elevator and went to where the prime minister was staying,” the official said.

“When defense minister Saadoun al-Dulaimi arrived on the ground floor, I asked him, did you notice George Nader? Yes, I saw him enter the wing of Prime Minister “Nuri al-Maliki.”

“At the time, I realized that the issue was internal. The corrupt group that went to represent Maliki in Moscow was not a stranger. They were all in one circle with Nuri al-Maliki.”

“When we were there, we discovered new facts. Personally, I did not know that those people who traveled to Moscow at the end of August were linked to Maliki and his son. But when I saw George Nader shocked at first, Maliki “.”

The arms deal between Baghdad and Moscow was controversial in Iraq, after suspected corruption included, and the Defense Minister announced in November 2012, that the agreement was canceled because of possible corruption in the contract, “Reuters reported.

“George Nader appeared in Iraq in the middle of the first decade of this century and served as an adviser to many politicians, including some of the new Shiite political leaders in Iraq, as well as Kurdish officials,” according to the Monitor website.