The Ministry of Finance begins with payment for the year 2018
The Ministry of Finance begins with payment for the year 2018
2017/12/19 0:08
[Ayn-Baghdad] The
Ministry of Finance, ministries and departments not affiliated with the Ministry and the provinces and their councils authorized all the powers of exchange during the month of January 2018 by [12/1].
This guidance comes to the delay of the House of Representatives in the adoption of the state budget for the year 2018, especially in the lists of parliamentary committees concerned to discuss.
The Ministry of Finance announced that the disbursement will be from the actual expenditures for 2017 or the preliminary estimates included in the budget bill 2017-2018, whichever is less related to salaries, allowances, wages, salaries, pensions, debt services and current expenditures for the purpose of payment of obligations and security expenditures, except for ongoing investment projects.
The Financial Management Act of 2004 gave the government the authority to exchange [12/1] for the previous budget for each month, ie, the Financial Management Law if the budget law is not approved or delayed, the previous budget is approved.
“If the previous budget, for example, is $ 120 million, the law allows the government to divide the budget by 12,” he said.
He stressed the war that “the government may not spend more than the proportion resulting from the division of 12/1,” stressing that “the work of the Financial Management Act is carried out until the adoption of the budget, and thus spend on light.”
Parliamentary sources and political parties revealed the government’s intention to work in the 2018 budget, without its approval by the House of Representatives, as happened in 2014.