Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-2-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-2-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-2-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 The canary is still singing, and other canaries have joined the group. We’re still waiting for the Fat Lady, but so long as the canaries are singing, I’m happy. There are a few things that should have been made public by now, but we’ll go with what we have, information-wise. The 2018 Budget I talked about on Wednesday was submitted to Parliament for a vote, but they didn’t have the quorum necessary to have a productive session. That may have possibly changed today [Friday]. As far as the speeches from last Saturday and Sunday by Abadi, one was given and it seemed like an RI was generated from that, and then another one was given to clarify that this is an RV. However, they don’t seem to be out there publicly for people to read and review. My sources have told me that, and these announcements are supposedly saying that everything is targeted to happen on or before December 2…

12-2-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 We are getting reports of a rate of 2:1, eventually shifting to 3:1; we don’t know the timing on that, but I’m okay with the source even though we cannot confirm that publicly, yet. Other information says that emails have gone out to the banking community with instructions to commence exchanging IQD. It doesn’t say exactly when, and I assume it meant ‘upon receipt’, but banks have not started exchanging yet, apparently. I think they are waiting for the December 2 announcement to fall in line, so we might be seeing that tomorrow [Saturday], with everything clicking out on December 2.

12-2-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Abadi has a ridiculously tough job and I don’t think he can do it alone. Amal Clooney has appeared before the U.N. several times begging Abadi to sign a simple doc. that would open Iraq up to the I.C.C. and to my knowledge he has not cooperated yet. Parl. probably has him handcuffed. So frustrating. The I.C.C. has all of the docs. on Maliki and many more and interpol could issue arrest warrants immediately. Maliki and Barzani are too powerful and charges must be brought up in the international courts. Curtailing Iran’s influence is no easy task. I did read yesterday where Russia is giving some resistance to Iran and the Gulf summit will be held in Kuwait next week. Results of that summit may be fruitful

12-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Today I…took the time to call Iraq and talk to my CBI contact. They assured me they do not plan to revalue this year 2017 anytime. They also said they DO HAVE A TARGET DATE in mind and are working towards it. So this in itself was VERY GOOD NEWS to my ears. In fact, I am very excited now! What is the target date? All I can get from them was they said “wait for the re-education of the general public to take place and you may get an idea of when”. They do not want any speculation on their currency and are being very, very cautious at this time.

12-1-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke DECEMBER 2017…Remember what we wrote, way back this Summer, in our 7-27-17 Post…about DECEMBER. “DECEMBER – You’re “Santa Claus” (or something similar)” We have Not, and will Not Change.

12-1-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: “Tigris channel reveal details of the World Bank negotiations with Iraq on the corruption of the currency auction” You can’t turn off the auction’s…the dollar is the gas in the engine. If they stopped the auction’s now without the benefit of Article VIII, how would they pay for their imports? Iraq produces almost nothing right now outside of oil, there’s no demand for the dinar and Egypt, Turkey, Jordan and Iran won’t take it, they want greenbacks for the goods they import into Iraq. There’s no easy solution, it’s going to cause some pain. Stop the corruption, legislate deposit security with the private banks, empower the open market economy and then, before we know it, they’ll create an economy where the world wants something other than oil from the Iraqi people. Or not. And they’ll burn through their reserves and the economy will collapse. As always, it’s just an opinion. Who knows, with political will, they could turn this around pretty quickly.

12-1-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat “THE REASONS FOR DELAYING THE ADOPTION OF THE BUDGET AND ITS RETURN TO THE NEW GOVERNMENT RELATED TO THE EXISTENCE OF ERRORS AND VOLATILITY OF OIL PRICES BETWEEN THE RISE AND DECLINE DURING THE PAST PERIOD, AS WELL AS ERRORS IN THE COLLECTION PROCESS.” I hope everyone makes the connection to the delay in getting the budget out and the Sept 25th referendum of Kurdistan? We also know that 36 oil wells were under the direct control of Barzani and he and Maliki (at one point) were stealing oil wealth from Iraq out of these wells. These wells had to be taken back. This oil is now under the control of the GOI as this area is now secured by the GOI.

12-1-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat This is all an Article 140 issue and as I said many times will all come out and a law has to be passed in parliament to end this dispute. But my point is you have to see the connection as to why the budget is delayed when you read these articles. You must remember the news from the past. I also want to remind everyone that this is the reason for the delay in the budget…

12-1-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 THINGS ARE LOOKING “VERY” GOOD FOR NEXT WEEK!!!!$$$$$$$$$

12-1-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni We all should know by now currency reform is a process. Currency reform like we want to see requires stability, implementation of technology, and planning. From what I am reading, progress has been made in recent weeks with the new CBI law, anti money laundering, electronic banking. But this takes time to implement and activate. Not to mention the CBI still has work to do to be in compliance with the IMF. The good news is the CBI is pushing forward on reforms, have banking events scheduled next month, next year. With all this known, hopefully we will see changes in the next few months to perpetuate the banking system and encourage investment

12-1-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 When [Guru] Walkingstick told me what they were thinking about I was shocked. Walkingstick told me how bad it has been negotiating with the Iraqi officials (it is just their style). Now, everybody needs to thank Walkingstick for this next part…All accounting has been figured at $2.00 to 1 dinar and next week they are to do the accounting at 3:1 (as in $3.00 to 1 dinar). The only reason I could give out this rate information is because this is now public information in Iraq.

12-1-2017 Intel Guru Bruce I was advised Intel wise to lay low… Don’t say a whole lot because where we are and we are so close. A lot is going on behind the scenes. I will just say this, when it comes to Iraq, Iraq is the lead dog on this. Let’s release this. Iraqi stock exchange, ISX, closed for about 6 days. They are opening up their ISX tomorrow [Friday] approximately 9am Iraqi time. Do you realize they suppose to have their new rate showing? That program rate we have seen for so long is gone and the new rate is in. That allows a lot more people to see it and trade on it and bring the value of the dinar up even higher. I am just going to say there are a number of things happening today [Thursday] are moving this thing to fruition…we should have a good holiday season this year. I am not saying we will have to wait till then, but we are on an hour to hour time frame right now.

12-1-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick I told Frank [Guru Frank26] over a month ago that part of the delay is that they have been arguing over the rate that they are wanting to come out. IMO They are planning or wanting to come out above $1.

12-1-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni So what is the Balassa-Samuelson effect hypothesis? We will get into this…as this little nugget is very important to us as dinar investors. We already know the plan is to float dinar based on the IMF statement…(gradual appreciation) [reference Guru Kaperoni post 11-30-2017]. When you search Wikipedia, you get an explanation for this as…”Balassa–Samuelson (BS) hypothesis implies that countries with rapidly expanding economies should tend to have more rapidly appreciating exchange rates.” In other words, the IMF themselves are acknowledging (by saying Balassa–Samuelson effect in this Article IV document) the dinar will rise rapidly.