Today .. Parliament begins reading the budget

Today .. Parliament begins reading the budget

02/12/2017 12:00 AM

Today .. Parliament begins reading the budgetThe Finance Committee is divided between abolishing salary deductions and keeping them
Baghdad / Al-Sabah
The House of Representatives is due to start the first reading of the draft budget bill for the year 2018 after its arrival in parliament last Wednesday.
According to committee member Mahasen Hamdoon al-Dali for «morning», «the Finance Committee will begin on Saturday the first reading». While Hamdoun predicted that “the percentage of staff deductions will remain 3.8, as was the case in last year’s budget,” Haitham al-Jubouri, a member of the committee, said in an interview with Al-Iraqiya news channel that he sought to cancel financial deductions from salaries of employees and retirees. “Jubouri said that« the budget of 108 trillion dinars imports 86 trillion and a deficit of 22 trillion dinars ».
It is noteworthy that today’s session is extraordinary to vote on the election law.
The government spokesman Dr. Saad al-Hadithi has recently announced that «the draft budget law for the next year will change the share of the Kurdistan region, commensurate with the population and to ensure a fair distribution of the wealth of the country», while the financial adviser to the Prime Minister appearance of Mohammed Saleh “The budget of 2018 is based on the activation of non-oil resources such as electricity and customs duties,” he said, referring to “the government’s intention to apply electricity tariffs in all governorates early next year to reduce financial waste in the electricity sector and support the poor class in society.”