Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-24-17
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-24-17
11-24-2017 Intel Guru Bruce I can tell you the rates are being traded high. We are in really good shape on the currencies as far as that goes. It is a very positive thing happening. I think this release is what we are looking for and I don’t think we have to wait forever to happen. It is happening. We just have to wait for our portion to come thru. That is really the jest of it right there.
11-24-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: “Expectations of obtaining Iraq’s rating Advanced credit ” Quote: “specialists confirmed the possibility of economic affairs raise the rating to A or -A through the activation of the private sector and provide employment opportunities that will pay gross domestic product to rise.” A lot of really good things will happen for Iraq and its people if the GOI can create the environment necessary for an open market economy.
11-23-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Yes – better days are ahead but you must put it all in perspective too. All you need to do it go back to the last 8 years of Nori al-Maliki administration and compare to all the progress Iraq has made since. They may not yet be ready for the re-instatement of the currency (when we want it), but they are making great strides with their new capitalistic democracy and I totally believe “blue skies are ahead and there will a nice big rainbow soon”.
11-23-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: “Central banks contribute to economic balance” Quotes: “government with the involvement of the central bank in determining the exchange rate policy will lead to the occurrence of the difference or contradiction between the purposes of the exchange rate, and between the other monetary purposes , which both the bank and the government seeks to achieve.” “an attempt to link the independence of the central bank and exchange rate policy found a place in economic studies, especially in light of the free exchange arrangements or floating…” WOW…the “attempt to link” is alluring…but what really caught my eye is the last part of that statement…”in light of the free exchange arrangements or floating”…that to me speaks VOLUMES…all IMO…oh is it Saturday yet…the BEST is coming.
11-23-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 On the 17th the WTO got together with Iraq…an informal meeting…to submit to the WTO the final pkgs…they are a commitment to the WTO…They have more than 2/3 of the two majority votes to get seats into the WTO…All the dominoes are lined up… Abadi said Iraq is going to have a National Liberation Day…The big day in Baghdad is Saturday – “BAGHDAD DAY”… IMO On the 25th Abadi will give a speech that will be shown all around the world…hes going to tell that Iraq is liberated from terrorism…he will talk to the international world that we are open for international business to come in…he’s going to talk about chapter 7…he’s going to talk about security and stability…Abadi has worked with the US hand in hand…he has a reason for all the things he is doing…reason why we have not heard the speech yet…wait for a speech that will change world history… He could change that rate right after that speech…Prepare yourself for Saturday…
11-23-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Central banks contribute to economic balance” Quotes: “government with the involvement of the central bank in determining the exchange rate policy will lead to the occurrence of the difference or contradiction between the purposes of the exchange rate, and between the other monetary purposes , which both the bank and the government seeks to achieve.” “an attempt to link the independence of the central bank and exchange rate policy found a place in economic studies, especially in light of the free exchange arrangements or floating…” This is some serious data on exchange rate change and float. The Banks and GOI working as a team is oh so huge! ~ Imo.
11-23-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The dinar is moving forward. We’re waiting for a few key things, which you ALL should know about, and they aren’t far off. We’re looking at an RV at some point! It’s not coming today [Wednesday]. It might come tomorrow, or later this week, but I’m not going to speculate on that right now.