In detail .. So plans Abadi to strike Barzani referendum and prevent the independence of the Kurds

In detail .. So plans Abadi to strike Barzani referendum and prevent the independence of the Kurds

Sunday, 10 September 2017 at 10:45 am

In detail - So plans Abadi to strike Barzani referendum and prevent the independence of the KurdsBaghdad / Sky Press

The newspaper “the new Arab” on Sunday, the attempt of Prime Minister Haider Abadi postponed the liberation of the province of Hawija to coincide with the referendum of Kurdistan to be held on the 25 of September.

“The Baghdad government is pushing to delay the launch of the battle to liberate the Hawija town of Kirkuk province, which is disputed with the Kurdish side, in an attempt to gain time as part of its battle plan, which seemed more political than military,” the newspaper said in a report, .

She added that “the political dimension overshadowed the features of the plan, by pushing for the synchronization of the battle with the date of the referendum on the separation of the Kurdistan region, scheduled for September 25, which the Kurds intend to organize also in Kirkuk, which may make the situation inappropriate for the referendum and facilitate Challenged. ”

The newspaper pointed out that “Despite the announcement of the Baghdad government to reject in advance the results of the referendum to be held in Kurdistan and Kirkuk and a number of disputed areas, it uses different ways to prevent this referendum With the dialogue and the pressures and mediations put forward, observers confirm that the military option is put through The Iraqi army and the popular crowd, and that the battle of Hawija is the most effective step to prevent this referendum, as the mere presence of military operations in an area, will make it not ready for any vote. ”

“International observers will refrain from pursuing the referendum, which will lose neutrality and legitimacy,” she said.
The newspaper quoted a high-ranking political official as saying that “the plan to liberate Hawija was completed from the military perspective fully, while the technical and logistical preparations and field research are underway.”
He explained that “the Prime Minister Haider Abadi, was prepared to prepare militarily for the battle, after agreeing to its plan,” noting that “the plan included the continued aerial bombardment of targets within the town and exhausting the organization.”

He stressed that “the aerial bombardment will continue from now until the ground attack on the town, which will determine his time personally.” He pointed out that “the decision to attack and set the zero hour battle Hawija, became a political decision more than a military decision, and that the political decision to determine the start of a battle Hawijah aims to be the battle at its peak or at the beginning of the referendum on the 25 of this month. ”

“This means that Abadi is not only trying to win the battle from a military perspective, because this is within reach, but he is seeking to gain political gain with the military gain, which is the failure of the referendum in Kirkuk at least legally.”

Specialists in the Iraqi political affairs confirmed to the newspaper, that Abadi deals with the file Kirkuk and Hawija very cautiously, and that he was able to withdraw the rug from under the President of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, by striking his agendas legally.

The political expert, Jassim al-Abbasi told the newspaper, “The plan of Abadi, which was based on delaying the battle of Hawija to the pre-or the beginning of the referendum is a political plan effective to thwart the referendum legally.”

He pointed out that “the criteria for the elections provide that no elections without security, because the elections require international observers and special committees and general managers and experts from other countries to oversee them, all of which requires a stable security environment and not the atmosphere of battle.”

The Abbasi, according to the newspaper, that “the atmosphere of the battle that will be created by Abadi in conjunction with the referendum will prevent the arrival of observers, who will refrain primarily from entering the province of Kirkuk under such an atmosphere is appropriate, which will challenge the constitutionality of the referendum and legitimacy of law,

He stressed that “this will give Abadi the opportunity to appeal to the Federal Court legally results referendum, unless forced Barzani to postpone,” as he put it.

He concluded that “Abadi had previously and publicly rejected any results that would result from that referendum to try to win the Iraqi street, but despite this rejection, it is looking for legal grounds give him the opportunity to win the case in a legal manner, and not to give the opposite party (Barzani) A political opportunity except for the opportunity to withdraw from the referendum and postpone it. ”

The newspaper added that “all this comes at a time when the Kurdistan Regional Government campaign to hold the referendum, which included the provinces of the region, Kirkuk and the disputed areas in Mosul and Diyala, amid fears of the results of this referendum and the resulting political crises and national conflicts .

“The Iraqi government had prepared the referendum step contrary to the Constitution and the law, and confirmed its rejection of any consequences.”