Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-14-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-14-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-14-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste We do have some good news…we are much, much closer. I wouldn’t say the fat lady started singing yet, but I do think I hear her in the background practicing. The IMF became a trustee of the CBI back in 2015…they said we need you to become a member of the world community. Then as I recall in the middle of last year they announced that they were going to bring them into the real world by the middle of this year which has just passed. I believe that because of Mosul they were thrown back a bit and once they took control of Mosul, the GOI fell right in line with the IMF goals and said now we are ready to move. So I think we are on the right path and I still think the IMF is in control. The IMF is pretty good at setting benchmarks, so we have a pretty clear picture of where we are at this point. So even thought it is not happening at the pace we would have liked, it is happening… The IMF is keeping this on track.

8-14-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana It’s not often I think I have a date nailed down, for ANYTHING related to Iraq, but right now I’m chomping at the bit for a tiny hint of confirmation on a couple things. One is heavily HCL related. That’s as far into the “intel” that I’m going to go. Those of you that know me well, know that I keep a very steady and even keel regarding this investment. Am I optimistic? You bet! Do I let my emotions overtake my logic? NEVER. (At least not regarding the Dinar! ) So this is really one of the very few times I have ever felt this way… the feeling is a slight bit of annoyance that something didn’t happen in the timeframe I expected it to.

8-14-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Here’s the positive side of my post…Even though the things I wanted to see happen did not happen, there has been a lot of significant news. That speaks to me in a way… I hate to use these words, but my gut tells me that the HCL related items are on the verge of coming through, but since they can’t yet (for one reason or another) they are settling for passing other things. It’s not what we want, at least as an end result, but it is still positive and I’ll take it.

8-13-2017 Newshound Guru Shredd Article: “Iraq is entering the global financial markets with great success” I wish I could impress upon everyone how big this news of the sovereign bonds is. …with a rate of nearly double of what it is today, the interest was weak but the appetite for investment now is strong. For investors to buy these bonds, their due diligence was done. Their risk concerns are not stronger than their confidence in the returns. Furthermore, bond investors know that the better chances for a return beyond the principal they invested is in the early years of the issuance. Finally, the big name administrators of this debt issuance is just a cherry on top. This further ensures us that Iraq has continued to economically mature. Be encouraged y’all. I am!

8-13-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG “Iraq sets a milestone by entering the international market with its first sale of independent bonds” While staying away from gross generalizations, it would appear they are deep within the “process” of being re-engaged with world economies… even if they aren’t being “officially recognized” just yet. …they reportedly had much more interest than they had actual bonds to sell during this last offering. Obviously – we’ll see a follow-up bond offering. However, I would suspect there could be some restraint to this particular action by the IMF, etc, until they are content with Iraq’s compliance. None of the above is saying the IMF isn’t perfectly satisfied with their progress to date, nor am I saying any of this is directly tied to potential value change. It is merely my view of things.

8-13-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Cleary Advises Iraq On First Standalone Bond Since 2006″ Looks like big brother the IMF is firmly at the wheel of MR and in total control. The confidence from the bond sales is a record for Iraq! That will not go unnoticed much longer. …The process is on a solid foundation now and considered to be B Rated / Stable. Powerful evidence the future is very bright… Interesting they have publicly now stated there is a tier in the game. Those with wealth and privilege just became more wealthy and privileged. That suggests now and along with the release of the imf 800+ million USDs to support the budget and the bonds supporting infrastructure and rebuild of Iraq, they have to have an international rate and it is on its way. We are next in that along Line, imo!!

8-13-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Political expert talks about hiding the next stage Washington seeks change in Iraq .. Tehran opposes” Quote: “The United States supports the change in the upcoming elections with the renewal of the mandate of the current Prime Minister Haider Abadi for a second term,” Hashemi said, noting that “America believes that Abadi has achieved great successes…” This article is…trying to say…IMO…NO ONE in the WORLD has to fear M [Maliki ?] …Anymore.

8-13-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Articles: “Al Araji: Investments in Iraq exceeded $ 93 billion since 2010″ “Egypt is considering establishing factories in Iraq and establishing a free zone” “The National Investment Authority signs a contract with a Chinese company to set up 4,000 housing units in Maysan” Don’t let anyone tell you that investors are hesitant about coming into Iraq. They are flooding in currently.

8-13-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan “Iraq is entering the global financial markets with great success” Quotes: “this move gives a strong signal to investors to deal with Iraq with high confidence…” “The plans implemented by Dr. Abadi three years ago were well studied, especially with regard to capital. We succeeded in maintaining the dinar exchange rate while continuing to pay salaries and dues, maintaining the war against the enemy and achieving economic victories parallel to security.” The confidence the investors have in Iraq has arrived. An additional point to think about is the three years it has been in the making. If we recall the MOP shows that time line for the IQD as well… with two sets of books per se, one may deduce they have been doing them for a heck of a lot longer than ever thought. If true, how sweet it is!!