The launch of treasury bonds

The launch of treasury bonds

6/13/2017 0:00

The launch of treasury bondsBased on the Council of Ministers’ decision
BAGHDAD / Tariq al-Araji
Iraqi Central Bank yesterday launched contractors and farmers dues based on the decision of the Council of Ministers at its 21, which was held last May 23 special treasury bonds.
According to the central bank governor on the Keywords «morning», the «Bank began to launch treasury bonds», indicating that « the lists that arrived at the Central Bank of the Ministry of Finance has direct launch audited by the Supreme Audit».
Regarding the mechanism of exchange, the Keywords that said « the contractor or farmer who receives a bond from the central bank head to a bank Kalravedan or rational or TBI to receive 40 per cent of his dues , ” revealing “coordination with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to pay the full amount of eligible during the year
2018 “.