Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-9-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-9-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-9-2017 Newshound MadDScout Article: “The parliamentary economy supports the recent central bank measures to regulate the sale window of the currency” Najib is saying the “economy is heating up”, and that the Parliament Economic Committee is in support of the strides the CBI has taken to organize and educate those banks taking part in the foreign currency sale, and this conducted in cooperation with the IMF… Najib confirmed that there were banks who had to rectify their situations, in order to stay a part of the currency sale. She is part of Economic Committee. In this way the Central Bank is moving forward on reform starting with the currency sale window. They are moving forward! I like that reform starts at “the currency window”. These banks who are “rectifying” their situation are the exact type of institutions that were mentioned and bring the overall score down on that thing that is monetary reform. Rectification will help to move the wheel forward.

6-9-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana […This does concern me as to how we could be safe in turning over our dinar to banks for proof of it being real.] Verifying the currency is as simple as using a De La Rue machine..

6-9-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 The FOREIGN EXCHANGE … do you know what that is? It’s the IQD exchange rate vs. the foreign exchange policy. They can’t say RV … they must use other words …

6-8-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: “The parliamentary economy supports the recent central bank measures to regulate the sale window of the currency” This piece is RICH with detail… Quote: “…classification of Bank central banks involved in the window selling currency step very good and its monetary reform”, stating that “the Central Bank has taken these actions in coordination with foreign experts and particularly from the United States of America…” And it’s monetary reform as the phrasing seems to indicate they are in the middle of the process. Now.

6-8-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IOO – what we are seeing with the auctions is impressive with the IMF because it was agreed upon. The CBI…IOO… is trying to get all of the auctions in by June 30th to END ALL AUCTIONS! The one thing we are waiting for is for them to LIFT the 3 ZEROS – which lifts the exchange rate qualifications (Chapter 8). The agreement, phase, step…has been done. [Guru] Delta says that on Iraqi TV…it’s all over the screen…the CBI and IMF meeting and what’s in it for the citizens. The meeting also said that the RESERVES were much higher than the IMF predicted. I’ll admit the monetary reform is taking a long-time, but it is coming! The IMF doesn’t want Iraq to make any mistakes BEFORE or AFTER. THIS COULD HAPPEN AT ANY MOMENT! Don’t see any more talk of postponement…do you?