Parliamentary committee undertakes to follow up evidence of al-Maliki

Parliamentary committee undertakes to follow up evidence of al-Maliki on the granting of positions for officers caused the massacre of Spyker

Friday, 26 May 2017 10:28

Parliamentary committee undertakes to follow up evidence of al-Maliki Alsumaria News / Baghdad
The Chairman of the Committee of Martyrs and Political Prisoners Abdul Ilah Naieli Friday that honoring officers caused the massacre of Spyker and handed over important positions is a “crime” against the martyrs of Spyker, adding that talk of Vice President Nuri al – Maliki for the existence of such cases did not come from a vacuum , but It has documents and files to prove this will be followed up.

Said Naieli in an interview with Alsumaria’s News, said that “all of the order and contributed to the killing of innocent citizens or members of the security services and obtained because of direct or indirect massacre of Spyker must be tried and held accountable in order to obtain retribution fair , ” noting that “the Ministry of Defense procedures honored those officers who participated genocide is a crime against the martyrs who Spyker number exceeded more than 760 martyrs. ”

He added Naieli, that ” the results of the investigation of a crime Spyker must be completed quickly, and the government should not tolerate any falling short in the massacre or other crimes , ” pointing Eliane “government by checking in detail the conduct of the officers before promotion or handed over important positions and give each the right of the right. ”

He Naieli, that ” the committee calls for the rights of martyrs material and moral, and in the case of the arrival of uncertain information concerning the appointment of persons positions important and they have the responsibility for the crimes against Iraqis and innocent then we will have a clear and frank position Snkhatab concerned authorities to stop these promotions , ” he said, adding that “Maliki spoke the existence of Thus involved crime cases and was handed over Spyker important positions did not come from a vacuum , but certainly has documents and files to prove this and we will work on the follow – up to the realization of the right. ”

The Vice – President Nuri al – Maliki revealed, on Wednesday (24 May 2017), in an interview on “another angle” which is broadcast by Alsumaria about assume the commander of the military division caused the occurrence of the crime of Spyker in the province of Salah al – Din in 2014, the post of commander of the Military College, accusing him of withdrawing from then the province to implement the directives of the political party he belongs.

The organization “Daesh” executed hundreds of trainees and students in the military “Spyker” base north of the city of Tikrit when it imposed its control over the region ‘s mid-June , 2014.