Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-15-17
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-15-17
4-15-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: “GE and Mass Group Holding (MGH) have successfully commenced simple cycle commercial operations of four advanced GE 9F gas turbines under phase I of the Ministry of Electricity’s(MOE) Baghdad Power Plant in Besmaya.” Finally 24 electricity is actually coming to Iraq. …getting Iraq’s electric grid back up and running with this first power plant is only part of Phase I and much more is to come. Did you ever wonder how all those ATMs…would ever operate without electricity? Did you ever wonder why the CBI would deliver the newer lower denominations to banks across Iraq…what about power needed for bank security systems, computers, or the money changing/exchanging machines…and the BIG move to electronic banking…how would all this work without electricity? Do you get..why this article is so important for the “next Phase” of economic development?
4-15-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 There was an announcement that by May 1 Iraq is going to be using the electronic system to wire/transfer money into the international theater using electronic dinars. For what reason? Who wants them? We as investors want them…nobody else has any use for them…unless you are going to make them internationally worthy. [BEFORE E-DINAR THEY NEED RATE…] IMO…It is only Logical…For IMO it is not erroneous.
4-15-2017 Intel Gurus Delta and Frank26 FROM IRAQI TV: AUTOMATIC RESERVATION OF IRAQI AIRWAY THROUGH VISA CARD INSIDE AND OUTSIDE IRAQ. Hmmm…Both MC and Iraqi Planes…Going International Now VISA want to as well …NICE.
4-14-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quotes: “…the political body was the National Alliance agreed to declare a national settlement project after the victory of Mosul operations…” “…a meeting with the heads of political blocs and the parliamentary committees the meeting was to discuss all outstanding laws.” …once ISIS is taken care of the next emphasis is going to be placed on the necessary laws. The GOI is not going to ask the CBI to release the RV until these are completed. Most of the Iraqi Central Bank steps are subject to political and legal environment of the country, especially in regard to the deletion of zeros… …this is what we are after, therefore the needed laws are so important. They will bring this political and legal environment. This is the connection between the needed laws and the currency reform.
4-14-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Quote: “…expected the arrival of Iraq to the level of the global financial market after improving economic conditions during the next phase…” It says Iraq will move to the “global” financial markets after improving their economic conditions in the next phase. So we do have to wait for the economy to at least begin to grow and investors come into Iraq. This is the next phase they are talking about. The last phase was to institute all the financial and banking reforms. Now we move on to the next phase. At what point, In this next phase, will they meet a critical mass, sort of speaking, when they will finally have to move their currency global? No one really knows this tipping point but we do know…from all the good news we are reading…it has not yet happened, but it will happen very soon.
4-14-2017 Intel Guru Delta FROM IRAQI TV: UNDP STARTING MAY 1ST THEY WILL USE E TRADING SYSTEM. …ELECTRONIC TENDERING SYSTEM in IRAQ. Article: “UNDP to Implement E-Tendering system in Iraq” Quote: “The UN Development Programme (UNDP)’s Iraq Country Office has announced that, starting 1st May 2017, all procurement processes will be conducted using an online E-Tendering system (Electronic Tendering Platform).”
4-14-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 I don’t have a lot of good intel, just expectations. My best Iraqi sources are saying they were being told “this week, by Friday”, and now it is Friday. There was an announcement about reclaiming the mosque in Mosul. There is not yet an official full liberation, but to all intents and purposes, you could say that. They are told over there that today is IT. Their money is flowing like milk and honey, at least for some. They have what they have been promised, and at least it’s started in Iraq. No, we didn’t go to the bank on Friday morning, but that doesn’t mean people won’t go to the bank Friday night or Saturday morning. Friday IS the day for this to start to be wrapped. We are still highly optimistic about today, this evening, the weekend, or next Monday. That’s all I can share with you today…could go today, this evening, at any moment. Be ready.
4-14-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: “Iraqi Troops Retake Further Ground in Center of Mosul” [Is full Liberation over Easter Weekend possible…crossing fingers…?] Hang in there…it won’t be this weekend but it’s coming.