Simonet «morning»: optimistic about the future of Iraq

Simonet «morning»: optimistic about the future of Iraq

4/13/2017 0:00

Simonet morning - optimistic about the future of IraqPresident of the European Commission Delegation expects the arrival of the country to the world market level
Baghdad / Muhannad Abdul Wahab Omar Abdel Latif
The President of the European Commission Delegation in Baghdad , Ambassador Patrick Simonet optimistic about the future of Iraq, and at a time when the continuation of the mission of the country full support in all areas confirmed, the expected arrival of Iraq to the global financial market level after the improvement of their economic conditions during the next phase. He also praised the victories achieved by our security forces on gangs “Daesh” terrorist and the liberation of our territory, returned the unity of Iraqis and would stand particularly terrorism message to the international community that “Iraq will not be defeated.”
Said Simonet in an interview with the “morning”: that “sustainable and strong relations between the European Commission and Iraq since 2007 has evolved over ten years in many areas , whether economic, political or humanitarian and others , ” noting that “Iraq has faced a lot of difficulties after occupation “Daesh” for a number of provinces in 2014, and we are now happy to achieve victory on the ground and this is calculated for the Iraqis and their courage and their determination to defeat terrorism, prompting member states to help Iraq in its fight while the European mission and the international community to assist him humanely and to support stability in the affected areas N terrorism to overcome the crisis that occurred because of the growing number of displaced persons and the poor financial situation of the country , “adding that” parking Iraqis united with all stripes in the fight against “Daesh,” a good message for all that Iraq will not be defeated, making us therefore optimistic about the future. ”
Liberated areas
and added the President of the Commission Delegation European, said that ” the mission has provided 130 million euros to restore stability in the affected areas of terrorism, and the majority of what has been achieved efforts in this area was by granting the European Union , ” stressing that “during the period from October last year to March of this year , much has been achieved through the return of the displaced people of Anbar province to their homes, the return of normal life to the city, and the agreement of higher harmony between the province and officials after there was some tension in the past between them, and now they are looking for re – work the international road link between Iraq and Jordan Syria and the Mar across this province, while remains the subject of rehabilitation and reconstruction of strategic projects rests with the government , “and expressed his wishes that gets such a thing on the left coast of the city of Mosul after he recently visited together with the Humanitarian Aid Office of the Commission, as well as the Sinjar district , which suffers are conditions difficult and help Ahaleh to return to
their areas. In support of Iraq and on the support of Iraq ‘s efforts, he hinted Simonet that ” the mission discussed with the Iraqi government to support Iraq ‘s efforts differently, it is important to assist them in the public finance management and the fight against corruption and some sectors in a sustainable manner, since the mission started two weeks a project on the development of education in Iraq before, there are a lot of areas that we want to develop here such as the economy and energy, and help him to rely on local sources as a rich country, which is why it is necessary to fight corruption and manage the financial situation correctly. The next to the countries of Iraq are rich and should help him to reach economic integration and improve the investment and the private sector through access to their experiences in this regard, “stressing that” remain in Iraq , the mission and continue to support him , but they do not want this country to rely entirely on external funding but it must give space for investment projects and the possibility of its implementation. ” The president of the Commission Delegation European in Iraq , said : ” The Commission and the World Bank will support the committee formed in the Prime Minister ‘s Office in charge of the fight against corruption, and there is a framework and dialogue with the Ministry of Finance at the present time in this regard, in addition to working with a sovereign developed independent institutions as a body of integrity and offices of inspectors general and integrity Committees and Finance in the House of Representatives. ” He described Simonet support provided by the Mission for Iraq in the next stage as “very important”, he began to launch a number of special education development and curriculum projects, followed by projects for the rehabilitation of schools and the development of private vocational education , oil and the activities of financial management and public work for the management of associated gas to enhance the electricity sector and restore stability in the liberated areas, stressing that “it is important that Iraq relies on internal sources as rich countries, and will soon be able to re – invest in its sources and access to the global financial market under good conditions.” National reconciliation and noted , “We would like to have Iraq ‘s good financial management because of its importance to attracting investments, since what matters the investor is owning the country a good legal framework which makes it reassures on its investment, in addition to promoting national reconciliation among the people that the political stability important for to him and to them, and to ensure the support of the international community in exchange for commitment to reconciliation. ” He praised the efforts of the political blocs in the “historic compromise” by setting the appropriate conditions by the political process partners and that there is a national dialogue, resulting in positive attitudes in the future , “and expressed” support for the mission of this initiative through the follow – up to the Commission on the implementation of national reconciliation programs Office of the Prime Minister. ” Message to politicians Simonet his interview with the “morning” seal a letter addressed to the politicians and the sons of the Iraqi people before the scheduled next September elections, he said: “There are about five months before the provincial elections in Iraq , but it has to be that there will be time to make progress on the liberalization level Nineveh and the advancement of the economic situation and the fight against corruption and good management of money, because such messages can instil confidence again among politicians and the Iraqi society and foreign investors, as well as the opportunity to achieve distinct steps in the path of national reconciliation by allowing all the debate and dialogue With some of them, “warning that” politicians should prove to the people that whatever their affiliations , there are positive vision towards the future, there is hope the general public when they need to see and change during the coming stage and can not wait for such programs to before holding elections a little. ”