Parliament will vote tomorrow on the four laws, including the law of the State banks

Parliament will vote tomorrow on the four laws, including the law of the State banks

23.1.2017 16:53

Parliament will vote tomorrow on the four laws including the law of the State banks{Baghdad: Euphrates News} House of Representatives will vote on Tuesday, the four laws, including the law of government banks and read several other laws.
According to a statement to parliament agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of it today that ” the agenda of the session number {5} for tomorrow , Tuesday , {24} in January 2017, includes a vote on a draft government Banking Act, and the vote on the draft Private Security Companies Act, and vote on a proposed law amendment No. companies {21} Act, 1997 , and vote on a resolution as the Nineveh plain , a disaster area. ”
And char that ” the meeting include an oral question offered by Rep . {Serwa Abdul Wahid} to the head of the Independent Electoral Commission, as well as report and discussion of the draft professional sports report and discuss the project and the Ministry of Defence Act, and a report and discussion of the draft law of financial management, noting that” the meeting will begin at eleven am “.anthy