Turkey complete the construction of a wall with Iraq and Syria

Turkey complete the construction of a wall with Iraq and Syria

Sat, 14 Jan 2017 16:40:09

Turkey complete the construction of a wall with Iraq and SyriaIt announced that the Turkish General Staff, on Saturday that the country ‘s authorities completed the process of building a concrete wall on the border with Iraq and Syria.
She explained the agency “Anatolia” in Turkish, quoting a statement issued by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that the wall with a length of 330 kilometers, noting that the primary objective is to ensure the security of the border areas, including thwarting attempts to cross the Turkish border illegally.

The agency also added that the authorities have also erected on the southern border of Turkey, a barrier of barbed wire with a length of 191 kilometers.
According to official data , in Turkey that such actions have contributed, over the past year, in frustration about 57 thousand illegal attempt to cross the country ‘s borders and the arrest of more than 424 thousand people.
