Reform Front: Abadi reforms have not been applied on the ground .. just statements to the media

Reform Front: Abadi reforms have not been applied on the ground .. just statements to the media

Thursday 22 December 2016 | 18:31

Reform Front - Abadi reforms have not been applied on the ground - just statements to the mediaBAGHDAD / .. confirmed parliamentary reform front, on Thursday, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi offered nothing in the field of the fight against rampant corruption in the Iraqi state institutions, indicating that “reforms mere statements to the media.”

The leader of the Front Mohammed Chihod’s “Eye of Iraq News,” that “the words of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on the fight against corruption just told media not only which did not provide Hiaa the field of fight against corruption,” noting that “Abadi reforms did not apply them anything, but some of the decisions in violation of the Constitution and the law Kdmj ministries and others. ”

Among Chihod that “Abadi raise the fight against corruption logo and stood against many of the moves the reform of our front and was supported by some corrupt ministers in his government,” stressing that “Front of the reform going on in the fight against corruption and her new tour with corrupt in the new legislative term of the Council of Representatives.”

Announced Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, earlier, in 2016, the elimination of corruption, and among that corruption has no religion or Mzhb.anthy 5