Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-16-16

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-16-16

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-16-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 …we told you there was a time period…The 11th, 12, and the 13th…we felt there would be some meetings. The MEETINGS…very big…people from all over the world. Based on those who went there…(guesstimate)…it was a very good meeting. IMO – Abadi was at those meetings. The UST and the IMF and UN were definitely were there. They did a lot of work in these meetings about the MR of their currency. I do believe that they have decided on a RATE and a DATE…I believe that they have a TARGET. I do not talk to you about the 15th to the 31st…because it may not take that long …IMO. I believe they are pushing for 2016.

12-16-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 I’ve said…GIVE ME MOSUL and you’ll see the MR [Monetary Reform]? Do you think they have Mosul? I wouldn’t say 100%…but do they have enough to proclaim that it’s basically liberated. …it’s going very well. Syria and Iraq’s borders are secure. Mosul will bring security for the MR. Abadi is going to give you Mosul family…and the budget of 2017. The budget wasn’t passed…they added things that was unconstitutional… can’t go any further without the budget…The IMF review…part of it was HUGE for the MR …it said that they lifted the restrictions of the exchange rate – but they have to wait for the budget. The HCL…which is in the BUDGET…is not done yet…and won’t be until the budget is done…they’ve been given a specific amount of time to get it done…

12-16-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 Will they finish the budget? HECK YES! …Abadi is moving things on to resolve the budget so not to cause a delay. Anything can flip within a few hours. It’s going to happen! Abadi has made it clear. We will have a budget this year. I believe that budget needs a new rate. So…FLOAT or FIXED RATE? It’s a process of many steps…but we are past 1st base …we are rounding 3rd base…heading into a home-run. Don’t be looking for an announcement or celebrations on the street. It’s a process NOT an event. It will be a process…the RI into a RV…

12-16-2016 Newshound Guru MadDScout Article: “Parliament will vote on the federal budget for 2017″ This is the after report on the vote in parliament. This is just a way different budget (IMO) than we have seen in budgets of the past. None of them had the kind of “Activate the private sector” talk that seems to be a part of this one. Especially if you know that, what we as investors are waiting on is the activation in full of all reforms. Many of these are in various states of completion. Some being done, some waiting on certain parameters to be met ( i.e. budget vote? Complete GOI? (IMO)) With the signing off agency being the IMF. So for those who feel this can drag on just remember, they are being directed and guided by IMF and for IMF to sign off, they need accomplish those things stipulated.

12-16-2016 Intel Guru Delta the Iraqi constitution does NOT allow Parliament to add any kind of articles to the budget – they can either refuse it, or sent it back to modify things they don’t like – they CANNOT ADD to it! …there was a lot of discussions, arguments and basically every group in parliament wanted to add something…so they added 10-15 new articles. They approved the budget and they basically sent it to the President…he is supposed to sign it…and then it goes into the Gazette. But a lot in the government and the Kurds didn’t like it…but Abadi did something very smart. The government is not going to refuse it. They are going to wait until the budget is published in the Gazette…the added articles shouldn’t interfere with the budget…and the things they don’t like…they are going to the supreme court to fight ONLY THOSE ARTICLES. But if those articles are ok…and they won’t cost them more money…they’ll let it go and pass it. For Abadi…it’s a WIN-WIN situation. As soon as it’s in the Gazette…it’s basically law …taking effect in January.

12-16-2016 Intel Guru Delta Next…the IMF…Looks like good news…they lifted the restrictions from the exchange rate. …because they are not Article 8…they can’t go with a program rate. They need currency reform. They have no choice. Currency reform must take place in order for them to go international. Investors must be able to move money into dinars…and now by lifting the IMF restrictions, they will be able too. …Alak says they are not going to float the currency. He is stating he is going to lift the restrictions from the exchange rate…free float is not really in their plans.

12-15-2016 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Here’s the short and skinny. 1. Good news surrounding the HCL lately. Is it going to happen before the new year? I have no idea, but good HCL news is good HCL news! 2. More good news on the progress in Mosul. I still can’t believe the MSM isn’t making a bigger deal out of this, but they are what they are. Things are going well there, and that’s what we need. Go Iraq! 3. The CBI seems to be talking more about the exchange rate lately, which is exactly what I expect before they finally make a big change. My suggestion is to not believe a word they are saying, but instead pay attention to the simple fact that they are discussing it.

12-15-2016 Newshound Guru wmawhite …this is the ever evolving discussion about how best to control the value of the IQD “on the street”. Currently, the auctions are used for that purpose. it has been a failure. Now, everybody has an opinion about how best to do it. However, the Governor of the CBI just last week told the world how it will be accomplished; “He noted that the solution in Iraq lies in dollar demand reduction through structural correction of the Iraqi economy, and not through refraining from selling the dollar.” Reducing the demand is giving value to the IQD so that all of those goods being bought with the USD is now bought with the IQD. Giving value comes from the CBI in advance, prior, before, all of these foreign investors. Not after!

12-15-2016 Newshound Guru wmawhite Giving value to the IQD will also give the Iraqi citizen “purchasing power AND reduce the demand for the USD.” Are laws needed. Yes, but with out value to the IQD none of the private sector growth will ever occur. We have always thought, because we were told by certain self proclaimed experts, that it was investors first followed by economic growth followed by a rise in the IQD. Sorry! That is AXX Backwards. If the value in the IQD does not occur up front all of the above will not take place. The Iraqi citizens need purchasing power. Look at what Alak stated (above).

12-15-2016 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …there is an article …that does not sit well. CBI News. The article to me seems to be implying the CBI should just introduce a whole new currency at a 1 to $1 exchange rate. Which would not benefit current dinar holders. Not what the IMF nor the CBI have stated was in the plan. Not to mention a new currency with a random exchange rate would fail. I see this article as just another attempt to avoid what they should be doing. Like so often, Iraq tries shortcuts. There are no shortcuts. The IMF has clearly stated the plan for the dinar, it does not include a new currency. New lower denominations yes, but not a new currency. The issuance of a new currency would be counter productive for Iraq, especially with a few trillion dinar already circulated around world.

12-15-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO…The Potential for them to complete the MR in 2016 is Conceivable to …Plausible. […if I hold the 500 note…no Kurdish language on them…will they still be good? I know [Guru] Delta said the 500 note would be the largest note after the three zeros are gone.] Yes …They said co-exist up to 10 years.

LET’S SEE IF IT IS FACTUAL OR ANOTHER “LINE IN THE SAND” THAT IS ONCE AGAIN IGNORED OR IS MORE NONSENSE. I WILL LEAVE MY WINDOW THROUGH JANUARY OPEN WITH A PRAYER FOR US ALL THAT THIS TRULY IS THE END. Based upon the information and activities that has been coming in the past few weeks, that have elevated in recent days, I think that we may actually see action sooner rather than later.

12-15-2016 Newshound Guru firefly Quote: “Iraq continues to avail itself of the transitional arrangements under Article XIV, Section 2 but no longer maintains any exchange restrictions or multiple currency practices subject to Article XIV, Section 2, and currently maintains two exchange restrictions and one multiple currency practice (MCP) subject to Fund approval under Article VIII, Sections 2(a) and 3…” Straight from the IMF. …talking past tense! no longer maintains any exchange restrictions or multiple currency practices subject to Article XIV, Section 2… Wow, wow, wow!!! [awesome news.] Yes it is. I see no hold ups whatsoever to date.