High-ranking delegation from the region arrives in Washington

High-ranking delegation from the region arrives in Washington

12/4/2016 10:31

High-ranking delegation from the region arrives in Washington[Oan- Baghdad]
high – ranking delegation from the Kurdistan region, arrived in the United States, less than a month after the US presidential election, to see the attitudes and strategies Administration Donald Trump on Iraq in particular and the region in the post – Daesh.
The delegation , which consists of the UN Security Council adviser, Masrour Barzani, the President of the Presidium of the Kurdistan region, Fouad Hussein, in Washington now is to deliver orientations Erbil near the new administration in the White House and in return see Washington ‘s position on the fate of the region and arming the Peshmerga forces in the war against Daesh relations between Arbil and Baghdad.
The US vice president – elect, Mike Pence, who visited the Kurdistan region in 2008, had confirmed last Friday in a telephone conversation with President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, that the new administration supports the people of Kurdistan and the Peshmerga and will continue to do so.
The Trump has described the Kurds during his election campaign to “Big Heart” adding ” we must take advantage of the Kurds and to arm them . ” In an interview last July described himself as “big supporter of the Kurds.”
