Petro-dollar items and the share of the region and the popular crowd hinder the vote on the budget

Petro-dollar items and the share of the region and the popular crowd hinder the vote on the budget

4/12/2016 0:00

Petro-dollar items and the share of the region and the popular crowd hinder the vote on the budgetBAGHDAD / morning / Muhannad Abdul Wahab
at a time when three controversial points caused the postponement of the vote on the federal budget for fiscal year 2017, Deputy for Finance Committee revealed the introduction of a paragraph to install contracts in all ministries budget year 2017.
MP Amer al – Khuzai said the “morning”: the obstacles that led to the postponement of the vote on the adoption of the budget summed up two issues. the first claim of the Kurdistan region to increase its stake to up to 21 percent, the second obstacle is the oil – producing provinces are required to receive imports of petro way and mechanism to ensure their rights.
Khuzai said that “these two problems Klavian stand impediment to the adoption of the budget it is necessary to find the political blocs appropriate solutions to ensure the rights of everyone in accordance with the mechanics of a fair , ” calling to “stay away from pushing the budget in the harassment and political conflicts.”
” The federal budget represents the rights of all Iraqis, hence the setting professional touches to the budget and approval would be an incentive to ensure the rights of everyone in accordance with the Constitution and constitutional mechanisms , ” pointing to ” the possibility of adoption of the budget in the event of managed parliamentary blocs to overcome their differences and agree on its terms . ” .
For his part , MP Abdel Azim Ajman that oil – producing provinces such as Basra, Maysan and Dhi Qar governorate suffer differentiation and variation in the deal.
Ajman in an interview for the “morning”, pointed out that the previous budgets approved several paragraphs about the oil – producing provinces but it is not applied on the ground , “noting that” the federal government is committed to their agreements with the Kurdistan region while neglecting the paragraphs pertaining to oil – producing provinces. ”
He stressed Ajman on ” the need to implement paragraphs that recognizes regarding oil – producing provinces and is $ 5 for every barrel of product oil and not recorded these amounts in debt , ” explaining that “this paragraph was objected to by deputies of Basra and the rest of the oil – producing provinces and demanded the federal government full share of the budget.”
He added that ” the four provinces also called for the allocation of imports of the border crossing points for the development of infrastructure and the ports , ” he said , adding that ” the third requirement provided for the issuance of government remittances Treasury to those provinces to pay their dues.” In
turn, pointed the parliamentary finance committee member Husam punitive to the existence of two paragraphs various them hinder the approval of the draft financial budget law for 2017. He said the punitive, in a press conference at the parliament building, said that ” the budget law that includes the presence of two paragraphs Khlavian first a dispute the Kurdish deal of oil in particular between the PUK and the KDP on oil estimates of what led to the postponement of the budget approval Thursday ‘s meeting in the past. ”
Punitive and pointed out that ” the new paragraph of contention is the allocation of 35 percent of the popular crowd according to the ratio of the population in the liberated areas, the fact that this paragraph were not placed by law and the National Alliance met to discuss these points,” adding that “if it was agreed that these two points will pass the budget in the Parliament”. While the MP for the Kurdish blocs, Kawa Mohammed announced the launch of the idea and the formula for the fragmentation of the oil agreement between Baghdad and Erbil , the Kurdistan region to secure the salaries of the staff in.
Mohammed said: “formula put forward the oil accord be handed over the Kirkuk oil fields , exports of 300 thousand barrels per day to the federal government in exchange for paid provincial salaries, while the delivery of 250,000 barrels of fields province to Sumo and would have to Baghdad to complete payment of the customizations of the share of the company the province in the budget, amounting to 17 percent. he
also announced the Kurdistan Democratic party parliamentary bloc member Sirhan Ahmed, send the Kurdistan Regional government proposal of three articles to the federal government.
Ahmed said, in a press statement: ” the Kurdistan Regional government sent a proposal to the federal government to resolve the issue of entitlements Territory budget of the Federal fiscal year 2017 , “explaining that” the first article of the proposed payment of 300,000 barrels per day from the province of Kirkuk oil to SOMO in exchange for the payment of government territory salaries and social welfare include. ”
Ahmed said that” Article II of the proposal include the delivery of the region 250 thousand barrels of oil a day in exchange for the payment of the government to the proportion of the region’s 17 percent of the budget , “noting that” Article III provides that in the event of non – compliance by any party to the agreement , it is possible to resort to the Federal Court. ”
The member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party bloc that ” the region ‘s share of the budget is a legal right, but the staff salaries are the government ‘s commitment to all of Iraq ‘s staff and nothing to do with the share of the province of the budget , ” pointing out that ” the proposal was circulated among the heads of Kurdish blocs.”
The center of this picture, MP Muwaffaq al – Rubaie, announced that the dialogues that were held yesterday resulted in the introduction of a paragraph to install contracts in all ministries and public budget 2017.
Rubaie said in a statement, received by the “morning”: that “attempts that I have made with our brothers in the National Alliance and the Finance Committee in Parliament resulted insert a paragraph install contracts in all ministries in the budget next year. ”
Rubaie said “We hope to vote on the state budget for 2017, including a paragraph and install contracts; because I believe that this segment are those who do wrong , for many years, and some of them have very long service in the departments and ministries of state.”