Canadian site set off a bomb and reveals the names of the seven countries supporting armed terrorist Daesh

Canadian site set off a bomb and reveals the names of the seven countries supporting armed terrorist Daesh

Posted, 03/12/2016

Canadian site set off a bomb and reveals the names of the seven countries supporting armed terrorist DaeshWeb site reported, “Global Research” Canadian names of seven states, said it supports Daesh terrorist, pointing out that France, Israel, is one of those countries.

In a report Friday, the website published illustrations prepared by the American writer and author Anderson was to be published in a forthcoming book, titled “dirty war in Syria,” noting that the book deals with the countries supporting the Daesh and methods of this support.

Explains Alanfujrav * Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Israel, Britain, France, the United States supports Daesh and backed up. *

The following is a summary of the role of each in support Daesh:

1 – ● * Arabia: *

In 2006, Saudi Arabia received guidance directly from Washington Daesh to create an Islamic state in Iraq, al-Qaeda, to prevent Iraq from rapprochement with Iran.

In 2011, according to the site, the Saudi armed armed uprising in the Syrian city of Daraa, and funded and armed Islamic militants both in Syria and maintained a survival divided to curb their independence.

2 – ● * Turkey: *

Allowed foreign militants safe passage to enter northern Syria, and established a Front victory Qaeda, in cooperation with Saudi Arabia, and led the conquest army to invade northern Syria in 2015, hosting Islamist leaders, it organized the sale of oil which is taken over by Daesh process, in addition to providing medical care to Daesh.

3 – ● * Qatar: *

In the period from 2011 2013 Qatar it has provided billions of dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Islamic groups such as a group, “Farouk” EFSA.

After the 2013 Qatar supported the coalition army of conquest Saudi and Turkish axis.

4 – ● * Israel: *

Supplied all Islamist fighters in Syria of arms and medical supplies were Daesh and the victory among those groups that had the support of Israel, in addition to the coordination area of ​​the Syrian Golan points controlled.

5 – ● * UK: *

It provided the Islamic militants in the Syrian rebels, weapons to work closely with al-Qaeda groups, and continued supplies on a regular basis to those armed groups.

6 – ● * France: *

France walked in the footsteps of Britain’s D Islamist fighters in Syria with weapons on a regular basis, says the site.

7 – ● * America: *

US role in supporting Daesh is the most comprehensive, where he directed and coordinated the activities of all the countries supporting the Daesh, and used military bases in Turkey, Jordan, Qatar, Iraq and Saudi Arabia for this purpose.

He pointed out that America Site deported Daesh for Kurdish areas and let them attack Syria, according to Iraqi officials, the United States had supplied weapons Daesh directly by air-drop weapons on Daesh areas.