Economy: project to delete the zeros from the currency has become impossible due to corruption

Parliamentary Economy: project to delete the zeros from the currency has become impossible due to corruption

Thursday, November 17, 2016 17:08

Economy - project to delete the zeros from the currency has become impossible due to corruptionBAGHDAD / Baghdadi Uz..okdt Parliamentary Commission of Economy, on Thursday, said the project to delete the zeros from the currency has become impossible due to corruption, calling not to launch major new categories of currency.

The committee member said Abdul Salam al-Maliki, in an interview with / Baghdadi News / “The project to delete the zeros from the currency Ihtah to proper planning as the current conditions and the control of the powerful and corrupt financial matters prevented from approving this project,” noting that “a lot of powerful and corrupt may take advantage of this project acknowledged that, for whitening and laundered the stolen money. ”
He added that “the state has resorted to issuing new classes in a large currency, and this has led to damage to the Iraqi economy through the currency value loss, and in case the insistence of the state to issue new classes as planned, the Iraqi economy could collapse,” calling to “not to issue no new class before the study results “.anthy 21 / d