Switzerland confirms spy on Iranian nuclear talks
Switzerland confirms spy on Iranian nuclear talks
5/11/2016 0:00
Tehran loom running «centrifugal» .. and Obama extended the ban on the
capitals / agencies and the
public prosecutor in Switzerland, confirmed on Friday that the delicate negotiations over Iran ‘s nuclear program in 2015 at a luxury hotel in Geneva was «spying» them through the introduction of special software on the devices computer.
and announced the public prosecutor Swiss end of the investigation into spying on Iran ‘s nuclear talks sensitive conducted in a Geneva hotel, claiming «not identify the perpetrators of such espionage activities» scandal, and the authorities had opened in may 2015 opened a criminal investigation against unknown persons were also seized a large number of computers during a search operation in a large hotel , which hosted the negotiators.
She explained the prosecution, «has been shown as part of the investigation that many computers (server and client) in a Geneva hotel been infected by malicious software, it has been the development of this malware to spy mainly used to collect information from computers
infected ».
the talks between diplomats and experts from the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France , plus Germany and Iran, mostly in Switzerland and Austria, has begun in November 2013, the participants in the July 14 and concluded in 2015 a historic agreement and the recognition of Iran ‘s state nuclear and lifting of the international embargo.
Israeli fingers
and directed the finger at Israel , which strongly opposes the talks, by iT experts, and the company «Kaspersky Lab» Russian competent information security announced that it had discovered a sophisticated spy program, many observers considered that comes from Tel Aviv, the prosecution said the Swiss: the «investigation did not result in any suspicions about the actual perpetrators», she justified the end of the investigation «In other words , there is certainly evidence of criminal activity, but can not be attributed to a specific person».
US ban
, the US President Barack Obama announced that he has taken a decision to extend the work of the American embargo «unilateral» side against Iran for a period of one year, reported net «Russia today» Friday, he came in a letter addressed to the White House to the US Congress, Obama kept «to take effect presidential No. 12170 , dated November 14 of 1979, which declared a state of emergency (in relations with Iran) because of the extraordinary threat stemming from the situation in Iran for the United States national security and foreign policy , and economy », according to the message expression, the US president justified his decision as «not normalize relations with Iran until
waving Iranian
for his part, Deputy commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Brigadier General Hossein Salami, that «Iran will return to the starting point of the pre – nuclear deal and would re – activate the centrifuge stalled for work, if refrained America , on the implementation of its commitments in the framework of the agreement » . in a speech during a ceremony to revive the so – called« national day to fight global arrogance » , which first took place on Thursday, in front of the former US embassy in Tehran, Brigadier General Salami, he said that« the Iranian nation fulfills its commitments always stressed but these commitments will not be one – sided, and the Iranian people ‘s patience has limits », said the Iranian military commander:« Americans should know that if Tnsaloa of their commitments, we will send the nuclear deal to the museum ».