Minister of Communications: mid-2017 entry landline photosynthesis to homes

Minister of Communications: mid-2017 entry landline photosynthesis to homes

16/10/2016 0:00

Minister of Communications - mid-2017 entry landline photosynthesis to homesConfirmed for {morning} existence of legal competition on the fourth license project
BAGHDAD / Esra Samurai / Saad al – Sammak
Select Communications Minister Hassan Rashed middle of next year, the date for the activation of the cable optical systems inside homes in all provinces of the country, stressing that his work will be reflected in reduced tariffs online to half current prices. He said in the interview with the “morning” dialogue to the existence of legal competitions on the legitimacy of the Ministry of communications in the fourth license project (4G) mobile phone, revealing that the implementation of projects (Altata) and Ser (CIT) and the (SCIS) and the (GIW) , will provide security services, as well as to achieve economic rewards for the country.
The following is the text of the interview: CATV optical systems * How long will enter the landline to Iraqi homes effectively? after the hard work being done by companies implementing the project cable photosynthesis of FTTH and in agreement advance with municipalities and public works to coordinate their work with the work of the Ministry of communications, the Ministry concluded that the middle of next year will witness the activation of telephone lines system cable photosynthesis in all provinces of the country, especially after the completion of the bulk of them in the streets of the capital and the provinces all over the CATV optical system, as it seeks for the advancement of terrestrial communications older than a decade, and have been in the same matter, destroying the old copper systems that do not keep pace with modern requirements. system cable photosynthesis, will be operated on a trial basis later this year within the three provinces after the completion of its installation and linked Paddleboat fully ground in Baghdad and Kirkuk and Basra, and what distinguishes cable scanner that phone calls will be almost free of charge, and what put them of wages is only for the purpose of maintenance is no more, as the ministry will provide landline new look , which includes photos, videos and online high – quality, clarity and calls, in addition to the use of social networking sites through the program (Wi – Fi) Balkeppl your scanner, as well as run television to contain the optical cable on private television channels and links. investment Exchanges * How will the marketing of cable services in the optical switches ground areas? Are these PBX service is limited to communications only?. The new telephone exchanges will provide secondary services, in addition to communications service, and will work on state institutions in general service, especially the Ministry of the Interior to issue passports to citizens and drivers licenses, in addition to the Ministry of Commerce to issue ration card , and will be done through investment companies , which will activate the cable optical services, in addition to the technical staffs of the General company for post & Telecommunications. conversion ministerial projects to the investment spent on any cases of corruption, the fact that most of the investment to the ministry projects, especially after the transformation of the ministry companies from losing companies to a win – win, especially as the monthly revenue of the General company for Post & Telecommunications, up to seven billion dinars. Iraqi space agency * when will direct the establishment of the Iraqi space agency? And where to connect the implementation of the satellite project of Iraq? The Ministry of Communications is seeking to establish Iraq ‘s Space Agency, as it has approached General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers this project to obtain official upon approval, there will be two locations key to the Agency, the first in the cities area and another in the Baghdad International Airport, what features do these locations have a wide space away from the noise of crowded areas, and will be managed agency by active in the ministry ‘s technical staffs, as well as to benefit from the Iraqi universities activities in coordination with the Ministry of Higher Education and scientific research , in this regard, professors and research sponsors and studies of space and related projects , and the fact that the satellite stopped the Iraqi project, not to return to monitor amounts of money, and if the completion of the satellite project in the future, will be appended to his acting directly. linked Mounzawmat photovoltaic projects * km project will work through the optical cable? The aim of the implementation? Is there any economic benefit will be achieved for the country? Associated optical Balkeppl projects linking Iraq the world and make it a transit between the continents of Asia and Europe, has a social, security and economic implications positive for the country, and the project (Altata), will contribute to that association of Iraq with the countries of the world and which is implemented by Tata Global Inc. and completion rates at 50 percent, and the remaining is to link with marine optical cable , which also would be doing Angels executing company. There are still other projects in progress, most notably CIT project of which will connect Iraq and the Arab Gulf and make it a conduit for countries: United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Turkey, and the most important features that will provide services for the e – government project has an internal services provided to Iraqi cities, and possible to benefit from the investment projects of the state, in addition to the project (Symphony EarthLink SCIS) investment, and project the (GIW), the most important associated Balkeppl photosynthesis of FTTH , which will determine the inflows and outflows of Iraq packets of projects, the most important projects undertaken by the ministry is currently thanks to its multiple features, the most important security aspect, as will block terrorist websites and porn and unwanted, as it will determine the user addresses for internet and published materials through them and keep an eye beams and used when entering Iraq to another user, as well as surround Iraq (b belt wound electronic) works on the expulsion of the electronic viruses sites, what contributes to the quality of internet use in the country, as it has been in this regard to get 50 percent of the official approval from the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers since August of last year, and the project will be implemented by the government – owned company and will be implemented between (4 5) months, and was preparing other approvals associated with the ministerial Committee which in turn , will report to the sectoral Committee of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers. reduced tariff online * Is there a plan to reduce the tariff of the internet? Will would be commensurate reduction with the quality of services available to the citizen? In regards prices online and reduction, the next year will see the introduction of cable optical systems to Iraqi homes, which will reduce tariffs to about 50 percent of current prices, warning that the citizens will depend on the cable photosynthesis to provide his online service, what would make him do without timely monthly accredited in residential areas contributions, especially that the ministry is going to enter the cable optical middle of next year, which will reduce infrastructure networks online price, which will impact on the online prices available to citizens in the country, with the presence of committees supervisory implications reduction relay on the citizen effectively, as the infrastructure reduction, will reduce the price of the tariff to the citizen. license – fourth the {4 G project} * is the fourth license project has become in the quiver of the Ministry of communications?. after the parliamentary consultations, has been converted project fourth of the license (4 G) mobile phone to the media and communications, but he did not see the light of day until now , for reasons related to the management of the project, and acquired right by law to grant the ministry the right to ask for it and if obtained legally will appear by the ministry after determining the frequency spectrum to him naturally. cut the internet * Does the ministry will continue to cut internet service across the provinces because of the ministerial exams every year?. Official books provided by the Ministry of Education to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, makes the Ministry of Communications effective element in the implementation of official letters from the General Secretariat of content, which includes blocking Internet access for all the provinces of the country from sixth to ninth in the morning, with the start of the final ministerial exams from every academic year, and the measure ensures that questions exam leak and circulated across social networking sites, ensuring the functioning of the educational process properly and not to disrupt the mind of the student, and any action in the future to cut or not to cut off internet service for citizens, it is a precautionary measure and the implementation of the books and correspondence official.