Parliamentary Economy: an agreement to repay the depositors’ money banks

Parliamentary Economy: an agreement to repay the depositors’ money banks

07.10.2016 11:50

Parliamentary Economy - an agreement to repay the depositors money banks{Baghdad} Euphrates News announced that a member of the economic and investment commission in Parliament, Harith al-Harthy, the agreement with the banks to pay back the money deposited with it to the depositors.
He said Al – Harthy told {Euphrates News}, “after the term of our discussion with the central bank and joint meetings director with the general managers of the banks, we came to a joint cooperation required banks to pay depositors ‘ money to them.”

He was a member of the parliamentary finance committee Sirhan Ahmed, called last June, the government has to support banks and activate the deposit law for the purpose of revitalization of the banking sector and development of the country ‘s economy.
Ahmed said, for {Euphrates News}, ” the development of the banking sector in Iraq is through the government support for the banks, as well as the Central Bank and funding required amounts to be able to fulfill their duties to the fullest “noting that” this depends on the amount found in central bank reserves. ”
He pointed out that” deposits distributed to the state framework bank deposits law, enabling individuals to deposit their belongings in the banks and treats these holdings leads to a continuous movement between customers and banks . ” .
the economic expert on behalf of Jamil Antoine, said on the ninth of May, ” the banking system in Iraq put a miserable.”
said Antoine’s {Euphrates News} “with the rise in oil prices up to $ 50 a barrel then would reduce the budget deficit and opens the way for the Iraqi government to pay the debt and ease the burden on in addition to the economic budget move to create jobs at home , “adding , ” now there is an economic paralysis in the private sector and non – payment of the government ‘s commitments in addition to the banking system in Iraq in a desperate situation and this has exacerbated the problem and held more “.anthy p