Iran calls on Iraq to consolidate the banking system between the two countries

Iran calls on Iraq to consolidate the banking system between the two countries

25.09.2016 11:50

Iran calls on Iraq to consolidate the banking system between the two countries{Baghdad} Euphrates News called on Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade Iranian, Nemat Zadeh, Minister of Planning and Trade Agency Salman Jumaili, the possibility of unification of the banking system between Iraq and Iran.
A statement by the Office of Jumaili received by the agency {Euphrates News} a copy of it on Sunday that “the Minister of Planning and Trade Agency Salman Jumaili and his accompanying delegation, currently visiting Tehran in a round of talks with the Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade Iranian, Nemat Zadeh addressed all the issues and files related to deepen and strengthen cooperation between the two countries in various fields of economic, industrial and trade in particular. ” the
two sides discussed during the meeting , according to the statement , ” the possibility of benefiting from Iran ‘s experiences in the development of the reality of the industry in Iraq, as well as a discussion of trade exchange between the two countries and border crossings file and entering Iranian goods to Iraq. ”
He said Jumaili through meeting , according to the statement , “Iraq seeks to overcome all obstacles to the development of relations between the two countries in all fields, particularly in the commercial, industrial and economic side , ” explaining that ” the Iraqi government has taken a number of steps and measures that would increase cooperation to benefit from Iran ‘s capabilities and ensure that facilitate the entering Iranian companies to compete with international companies in the supply of ration card. ”
He added that” the evolution of Iranian industry over the past years makes the Iraqi side more confident in transferring this experience to Iraq , pointing out that “there are some problems in the supply of goods to Iraq some respect to what has been stated Iraq and the need to match Iran ‘s industries entering Iraq to this standard. ”
He noted that the ” memorandum of understanding that was signed between the two countries in the field of standardization and quality control represents an important step in the field of import and export between the two countries because it includes a large number of goods and will be introduced ten commodities are then expanded to include then all goods agreed. ”
the statement said the two sides discussed” a number of other , including the organization of work at border crossings issues and the possibility that the work the clock to ensure that the delayed goods in those ports , which some of them may expose the damage “, in addition to “discuss the organization of arenas of trade at border crossing points process and develop appropriate clear business shipments of Iranian trucks to Iraqi trucks and vice versa and as soon as appropriate there to be a smooth high in the entry of those goods and non – damaging mechanisms.”
the statement continued , ” the two sides also discussed the possibility of the Iranian companies processing some of the ration card to calculate the Iraqi Ministry of trade and especially {oil, rice, flour} materials as Iraq needs {35} tons of edible oil per month, to meet the ration card requirements and {75} thousand tons of sugar and {110} of thousands of tons of rice. ”
He added that “Iraq has an annual need of flour , four Mlaynen and 500,000 tons, at a time when Iraq is drawing to meet domestic need of wheat.” the
minister Jumaili said according to the statement , “addressed to file for benefits companies and contractors Iranians owed by the Iraqi government for carrying out a number of investment projects during the past two years. ”
among Jumaili Iranian counterpart that” the government has begun to pay these benefits through the issuance of bonds backed and will receive 50% of their dues as a first stage as will the contractors who exceeded the completion rate in the Projects directly that executed the {85%} full dues , provided pledge to complete the project. ”
for his part , Minister of Industry, mines and trade Iranian Nematzadeh” for his country ‘s desire to develop relations and provide all kinds of support for Iraq to Msada’dth to overcome security and economic distress, “adding that” his government is ready to equip the Iraqi Ministry of trade textured edible oil have good qualities and prices discounted. ”
He praised Zadeh , according to the statement” the actions and steps taken by the Iraqi government for the development of bilateral relations, including the signing of a memorandum of mutual recognition standard between the two specifications. ” the
Iranian minister called for” the establishment of an Iranian commercial center permanently in Iraq to carry out the task of coordination between the two countries in the field of import and export in addition to the possible consolidation of the banking system between Iraq and Iran , because this would a lot of the problems arising due to address the lack of such a banking system “.anthy