Diplomatic problem between Beijing and Washington, when the arrival of the Obama plane to China

Diplomatic problem between Beijing and Washington, when the arrival of the Obama plane to China


Diplomatic problem between Beijing and Washington when the arrival of the Obama plane to ChinaRoudao – Erbil
almost break out ” a diplomatic incident” between the Chinese and their counterparts administrators Americans when the plane carrying President Barack Obama landed in the city of Hangzhou , China , to attend the Group of Twenty summit. The imposition of Chinese officials have strict security measures on the occasion of the summit included the advisor of US national security, Susan Rice, the media and the delegation accompanying the US president did not greet the strict security measures when the presidential plane “Air Force One” landed at the airport. as usual , journalists companions came on board the Boeing 747 to cover the presidential plane landed, and exit of President Obama , including so kept behind a security cordon Blue set up by security officials the Chinese. did Chinese officials only did these stringent security measures since taking Chinese employees yelling at the White House chief of staff students from American journalist delegation to leave the place. received an employee at the White House on the Chinese employee handbag under Abtha saying that it comes to an American plane and the arrival of the US president. and then replied with Chinese employee who was dressed in a black suit , saying English language ” of this country, and this is our airport.” when I tried to Rice and the employee in the White House , Ben Rhodes approaching the US president, bypassing the security cordon blue pass underneath, Chinese employee pouring Jam his anger on Rice , trying to prevent their movement. and when exchanged Rice and Chinese employee angry phrases, American security element in charge of the intervention to protect them, and referred to be followed. a few minutes after that, he was the US presidential convoy making its way towards the city 9 with a population of millions of people have been emptied from the a quarter of them to make room for the event. the closed factories to ensure that no air pollution because of the thick smoke which emit, also held Wanted gung potential as a precaution, and shut down the main streets in the city , praised by the famous Italian traveler, Marco Polo centuries ago as nice places. Rice told reporters “they (referring to Chinese officials in charge of securing the airport) unexpected things.”
